[hr][hr] [center][h1][color=DEA7D1]6[/color][/h1] [img]http://static.tumblr.com/y5azs80/0Rgmcj3c1/library.gif[/img] Location: Unknown Underground Facility, Lab[/center] [hr][hr] 6 remained quiet as the others barked and asked questions. She felt it was idiotic and was only adding to the confusion already apparent. Still, the soldiers backed down. She was still covered in blood and she desperately wanted a shower, but that could wait. She still held the gun in her hand as she watched. When she saw a moment to speak, she grabbed it. [color=DEA7D1]"Ok, calm down everyone. We got the upper hand. Let them speak and we can decide how to deal with them after our questions are answered. So, get to talking."[/color] She spoke to the soldiers. She didn't necessarily want more bloodshed (especially if she would be showered again), but she was also curious. Where were they? Why were they numbered? What was about to happen to them?