[hr][hr] [centre][h1][color=Orange]Barca Ashur Xavier[/color], [color=E4A44D]Naevia Udaku[/color] and [color=DarkOrange]Agron Wilson[/color][/h1] [img]https://i.imgur.com/Nfh8RYV.gif[/img][img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/ba7f1119ce835171104346b7d16e93fc/tumblr_nnou0gxmRR1ti5goso1_250.gif[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/NWsq4iD.gif?1[/img] [b]Location:[/b] The Courtyard; The Academy. [sup][b]Interacting With:[/b] Each other.[/sup][/centre] [hr][hr] [color=darkorange]"You never did learn how to play nicely with others."[/color] A lion's roar echoed throughout the courtyard. Kovu, the older lion that had wandered off from Navia, walked in time with it's true owner as Agron stepped from his observing place and began to shorten the distance between himself and his sister. Kovu’s large head easily reached Agron's midsection making the duo appear as giants among men. He nuzzled the plated orange and blue armor that kept Agron safe for many missions across the country, showing a level of affection that most predators did not share with humans.. Agron dropped his hand and ran his fingers through the rough main, scratching the large cat behind its ear where he knew a particular sweet spot to be. Roaring out again, though at half the volume (and it being more than clear now that both cries were out of happiness), Kovu sat himself down on his massive haunches, and began to pur. But Agron's eyes were elsewhere - his sister was just a single touch away. By the Gods, how he had missed her! A slight smirk crossed over his face, though inside he was screaming. It had been [i]years[/i] since he had seen his little sister, though his time away made it feel like lifetimes in one case, and just a few days in another. He was standing behind her, but even from there, he could tell that she was beautiful, just the way he remembered her. Just the way he left her before moving himself to New York to escape the condescending undertones his step-father would constantly give him - as though it were Agron's fault that he wasn't his son. Even with summer's spent with his real father, T'Challa had always made it clear to him that Agron didn't belong anywhere. Glancing over his half-sister's shoulder to the snobbish boy she had been talking with (and probably upsetting), Agron raised his eyebrows first, and then nodded his head towards the other boy’s direction that had already taken his leave. Smart kid. [color=DarkOrange]"Don't bother trying. I've got eighteen years of her life on you, kid. So take your losses where they stand and your ego can still be saved. I doubt either of us will remember you in ten minutes anyway to even talk about this later."[/color] Agron gave him a wink, and a pleasant smile, despite the circumstances. He was going to get hell for this - he knew that the moment he decided to come back from the "dead." He had to. When the war got tough, he needed to disappear or H.I.V.E would have ended him before he had a chance to get killed. Sure, he had a chance to come out of hiding after the contract had been signed with all of the supers, but to what end? There was nothing for him. Nothing, until he found out that his father would be a teacher at the new school. He knew then that he could help out - that he could be with his sister again - that he could show T'Challa that while he might not be his heir, that he could still amount to something... by any means necessary. Looking back to his sister, he gave her a warm smile, very different than the one he gave Barca. [color=darkorange]"You look well."[/color] Frozen in place, the familiar though painful voice of her past washing over her, Naevia felt her heart leap within her chest. It couldn’t be… there was no way… This man- this… telepath or whatever he claimed to be had to be playing with her mind; forcing this cruel jest upon her… somehow… he [i]had[/i] to be… Eyes flashing with anger at the mere thought, the makings of a threatening and animalistic growl building deep from within; the sound was cut of. Caught within her throat as the roars of one of her two trusted companions filled the air. Happiness… Kovu was happy… She hadn’t heard him acting like that since-... Steeling herself, her heart quivering lightly, she turned her head; a mixture of shock and pain crossing over her gentle features as the rest of her followed through with the action, her feet carrying her backwards a few steps, causing her body to fall back against Barca’s as she gazed up at the ghost standing before her eyes, her features paling as she spoke, her voice barely more than a whisper. [color=E4A44D]“..but you are dead…”[/color] Barca had no idea who the stranger was, and keeping with his challenge to not read others minds, at least for the moment, was hard. Barca waited for more information. It appeared that the newcomer knew Naevia. And that she was more than surprised about them suddenly appearing. Going to say something, Barca found the words slipping away as she fell back against him. For a moment, Barca had no idea what to do and merely reacted. He reached up, steadying her by wrapping an arm around her to prevent her from falling to the ground and his right foot stepped back to steady himself so they wouldn’t fall to the ground. Once sure that she was alright, or at least not going to fall, Barca opened his mouth to speak once more. [color=orange]”If your memory is so poor that you will forget an event which happened in ten minutes, it would be wise to get that checked out, Sir.”[/color] the words slipped out smoothly, and rather than wait for a response, Barca continued [color=orange]”And if everyone took that attitude, nothing would ever get done. I don’t tend to give up easy, Sir.”[/color] He looked down at Naevia, somewhat concerned. Whoever this was, it had unnerved her, and that seemed like an achievement. [color=orange]”Naevia?”[/color] The annoying buzzing sound of words leaving the pale blonde's lips fell upon deaf ears. Agron paid him no heed. His sister was there - flesh and bone right in front of him; breathing. Alive. He took a tentative step forward, watching her look up at him with those beautiful brown eyes he never thought he would see again. Giving Naevia a soft smile, Agron raised his hand to tuck a strand of her brown hair back and behind her ear, his fingertips gently grazing back against her cheek as he pulled it back to his person. [color=darkorange]“I’ve missed you, Malaika.”[/color] A shiver running down the length of her spine; Naevia’s eyes fluttered to a close at the familiar warmth of his touch upon her face. He was there… [i]truly[/i] there... this was no trick of the eye. Regaining her sense of mind, if only slightly, she turned her head, pulling herself from his touch as pain once more filled her features. He was right there- alive and well… so then, [color=E4A44D]“..why..?”[/color] [color=darkorange]”H.I.V.E.”[/color] Agron answered quickly, knowing that her question extended much further than just why he missed her., He felt a slight sting when she pulled away from his touch., though he remained physically calm. [color=darkorange]”They would have come for you. I had to protect what is important to me.”[/color] No… no, that wasn’t good enough of an answer. Shaking her head quickly from side to side, the familiar sting of tears hitting them, Naevia brought her gaze back to her brother, only able to stand looking at him a few moments before she tore it away once more, dropping it to the ground between them, [color=E4A44D]“..all this time… you let me believe you dead…”[/color] [color=darkorange]”If I hadn’t, we wouldn’t be having this conversation.”[/color] Kovu, who hadn’t left Agron’s hip since he came on campus, pushed his big head forward to lick at Naevia’s hand before nudging it to run her fingers through his matted mane. Her attention drawn towards the lion, her fingers curling gently within its mane, Naevia was silent, tears silently rolling over her cheeks as the pain and torment she had felt over the years after word had come of her brother’s death hit her all over again, [color=E4A44D]“..so you instead chose to have me mourn the loss of beloved brother…”[/color] [color=darkorange]”To see you again, yes.”[/color] Seeing that they were simply going in circles, Agron sighed before stepping forward and taking Naevia’s wrist in his hand, pulling her out of the pale boy’s hold and into his arms. He wrapped them around her, settling one hand behind her head, his fingertips trickling through the beautiful raven hair he knew so well. [color=darkorange]”I will never leave your side again. This I swear.”[/color] he practically whispered into her ear. Barca followed the conversation, seemingly unaware that he was still holding Naevia as he sought to understand what was going on. Why had he decided to refrain from reading minds? It was too late to back out on that, especially when he’d already said he wouldn’t read Naevia’s mind at the very least. As she was taken from his arms, Barca blinked in surprise, letting his arms fall to his sides once more. He frowned, feeling the absence and wondering why it seemed bothersome. After a moment he said [color=orange]”So… you let her suffer without knowing fully that they wouldn’t go after her? You could not be sure that H.I.V.E would not have still tried.”[/color] Agron’s eyes snapped up at the boy that addressed him so callously. [color=darkorange]”I don’t recall asking you, kid.”[/color] He took a moment to size the blonde up and down for a moment, considering him. He had seen more meat on a chicken than him. [color=darkorange]”An intelligent person would have surmised by now that this is a private matter. One that does not concern you. Now kindly turn sideways and disappear, twig.”[/color] Barca watched the older man, mildly amused as he saw him sizing him up, and dismissing him. It was oddly amusing to be underestimated so quickly. Unconcerned, Barca turned just enough to retrieve Glaber’s cage, before he said [color=orange]”Well, in a public place nothing is private. And I’m more than content in my own intelligence, one does however worry about your own, given that an opinion doesn’t need a question”[/color] He said in an even tone, as if he were just discussing the weather. Shutting her eyes tightly, her body stiffening at the sudden feeling of his arms wrapped around her body as they once used to be, Naevia lifted her arms, pressing them between them and against his chest, keeping herself from being held flush to his chest. This-... This wasn’t right… [color=E4A44D]“..things-... things are not as they once were… they cannot be…”[/color] Agron moved his arms, shifting them a bit to ensure that she would stay safely within them without being too overbearing, opting now to ignore the boy. [color=darkorange]”But they can. I’ve come home to you, Malaika. I love you.”[/color] He loved her… how long had it been since she had last heard those words pass through his lips..? Heart quivering lightly within the confines of his chest, torn desperately between that which had been and that which should be, Naevia shut her eyes tighter than before, turning her head away as she pressed her arms harder against his chest. No… things had changed far too much for them to be able to return to what was, [color=E4A44D]“..but they cannot… father-...”[/color] [color=darkorange]”T’Challa means nothing!”[/color] Agron interjected, his hands moving to hold her upper arms tightly as she continued to struggle against him.. He was losing her attention. T’Challa had always been a factor. Never a step-father - only a dictator in Agron’s life. Knowing that there was one sure way to bring her back fully to him, Agron let go of her arms, placing his hands on either side of her face and pressed his lips firmly to hers. Her heart leapt, body frozen in place, Naevia’s dark eyes widened for a moment before eventually, they closed, her lips pressing softly back against his own. This wasn’t how things were supposed to be… not anymore… Her father had made it clear that she was to forget her brother- that he was nothing in her life. But she couldn’t… never completely. He was as much a part of her as her mother and father were; perhaps more. Body shaking lightly; she felt herself melting at his touch- relaxing visibly against him as the seconds ticked by one by one, making her feel helpless and at his mercy. It wasn’t being ignored that Barca minded, it was how long it seemed to go on. As he watched the situation unfolding, Barca found himself growing angrier. This man was manipulating Naevia, and she either couldn’t see it, or was just taking it as her due. Either way, something just didn’t sit right. As things seemed to escalate, and Naevia’s resistance disappeared, Barca flicked through options in his mind on what he could do. To him, as he sought to understand, this was a wrong situation. Yet what could he do, when someone who seemed strong like Naevia, be unable to resist, even after she had tried? [color=orange]”Naevia.”[/color] There was that annoying, mosquito-like buzzing he had heard earlier again. Taking his time withdrawing his lips from his half-sisters, Agron slowly turned his head to face the boy, dropping his hands to hold Naevia’s waist close to his body.. [color=darkorange]”Still here, gnat?”[/color] Ah. So interrupt him like that, and he responded. Such an animalistic trait. Barca gave a shrug, [color=orange]”You really should get that memory problem checked. I’ve already stated I do not give up easily. And you know us gnats, we do like to pester.”[/color] [color=darkorange]”And have an incredibly short life-span.”[/color] Dropping one hand from Naevia’s waist, Agron reached behind him, his hand finding the hilt of one of the swords strapped to his back. [color=E4A44D]“N-No..!”[/color] Lifting up onto the balls of her feet, her heart racing wildly within the confines of her chest, Naevia’s touch was gentle as she reached over, following the line of his arm til she could place her hand over that of her brother’s, her eyes pleading and meeting with his as she called for his attention, [color=E4A44D]“..I-... I beg of you… leave him be…”[/color] His dark eyes looked between his sister’s and the blonde runt, and then back to his sister’s again. Her hand, so soft to the touch, attempting to stay his arm. He could toss her aside with the sweep of his arm - he had done so before - but she was begging him. How could he refuse such a sweet request? Staying his breathing, Agron swallowed before sheathing the inch or two of sword he had managed to pull before dropping his hand to hold his sister’s waist again, eyes now once more narrowing on Barca. [color=darkorange]“She protects you this time. Do not force my hand into disobeying her wishes, runt.”[/color] Barca pondered his options for a moment, mulling the situation over in his mind. He set his owl down behind him, to make it perfectly clear he wasn’t going to be chased away. Barca had been prepared to protect himself, yet hadn’t moved from where he was standing- no doubt it wouldn’t have mattered if he had moved or not. As it seemed to blow over, or rather as he was stopped by Naevia, Barca shifted only enough to make sure he was still in front of his owl, just in case he needed to protect them both still. He didn’t look away, and was sure that Argon’s words were meant to humiliate him, but Barca was more than content in his own abilities, and words had always just been words. Even if he was sometimes swamped by them. Should he reply? He contemplated his responses very carefully, weighing each option. [color=orange]”Very well.”[/color] he said carefully, [color=orange]”I wouldn’t want to scuff your shiny boots, anyway.”[/color] Dropping her head down, Naevia buried it sweetly against her brother’s chest; the gentle and unmistakable sound of her giggle, though muffled against his skin, slipping through her lips to fill the air at the other man’s words. Despite her attempt to hide, Agron could feel her amusement towards the boy’s words, and couldn’t help but to roll his eyes before looking back to Barca. He jerked his head to the left, a nonverbal signal for him to be on his way, his hold tightening on his sister just a little more. Barca once more thought on the wisest course of action, deciding that he could take that as a win. Still, he didn’t hurry as he retrieved Glaber’s cage once more, the owl still sleeping despite the faded danger around them. Turning back, he quite calmly said [color=orange]”Well, this has been pleasant. Until next time, Naevia?”[/color] [color=darkorange]“Kid…”[/color] Agron stared him down, his dark eyes narrowing. [color=darkorange]“There won’t be a next time.”[/color] His words cutting her off before she even had the chance to speak her response, Naevia hesitated. It was more than clear that her brother wanted her to have nothing to do with Barca… or anyone else for that matter. Though things had changed… hadn’t they..? She had been forced, by his own hand no less, to survive and live without his guidance; and she had, after time, thrived… at least… she believed she had... Turning her attention over to where the other man stood, doing her best to ignore the feel of her brother’s eyes baring into her, she nodded her head lightly, her voice soft as she chose to give her own answer, [color=E4A44D]“..yes… till next we meet... Barca…”[/color] Barca smiled, and satisfied ensured he had everything before he started to walk off, checking on the owl as he did so. [color=E4A44D]“..forgive me…”[/color] Waiting until he was gone before she spoke, her voice barely more than a whisper, Naevia kept her gaze lowered. She’d gone against him- against what he wanted; she had undermined him completely in front of a courtyard of others, and whether they were watching or not, she knew full well that her disobedience of his wishes was something that wasn’t about to go unpunished… Moving his hands so that he was taking hold of both her wrists firmly, pressing them between their chests, his eyes bore down into her, his hold tightening when she didn’t meet his gaze. [color=darkorange]”Look at me.”[/color] Wincing slightly as pain shot through her wrists, the tone of his voice causing her body to shake lightly against his, Naevia hesitated, her head slowly lifting until she was able to meet with his gaze, her soft lips parting slightly. [color=darkorange]”I can forgive everything from the time you believed me dead until this very moment.”[/color] he started, keeping his voice low. [color=darkorange]”But I have returned, and things will be as they once were. Understand?”[/color] [color=E4A44D]“..but I-... I-...”[/color] His hold on her wrists tightened even further, the possibility of light bruising teetering on the threshold of pressure he was applying. [color=darkorange]”They will!”[/color] he hissed. [color=darkorange]”Don’t you want our happiness once more, Malaika? Don’t you want [i]us[/i] again?”[/color] [color=E4A44D]“..I-I-... y-yes, brother…”[/color] Pain clear upon her features, her body bending oddly as she tried to ease the pressure he was placing upon her wrists, even just slightly, Naevia stared up at him from her place in front of him, her head nodding quickly as if to push her answer. [color=darkorange]”I thought so.”[/color] He released his hold on her wrists, turning his hands over to hold hers from underneath, pulling her wrists up to him where he placed a kiss on the injured flesh - one kiss each wrist - before he allowed her arms to fall back to her sides. [color=darkorange]”I love you, little sister.”[/color]