[quote=@Dynamo Frokane]Are ethno-states wrong or crazy ideas in your opinion, I wouldn't want to 'assume shit about you'.[/quote] Well I certainly don't want America to be one. But at the same time, if it's working for Japan it's not really my place to tell Japan they have to make more white people into citizens. [quote]Would you consider the advocacy for an ethno-state a form of discrimination? You know, based on what you need to do to achieve one.[/quote] There's a fine line between valuing one's own culture and discriminating against others. Advocating for the preservation of one's heritage is not discrimination (example: Japan, present day). Genociding all the Hebrews, on the other hand, well, duh. Or that thing you keep saying, kicking people out of their home country because of ethnicity? Yeah, fuck that noise. That's crazy bullshit. [i]If someone were to come into this thread and literally say,[/i] wait, hang on, I can't do a hypothetical quote or you'll throw it back in my face in 200 pages and pretend it's me. Well, use your imagination. If someone came in here saying THAT, yeah, I'd do more than ask them politely to knock it off. If on the other hand someone said "Gosh, I just dunno, Japan for the Japanese doesn't sound criminal to me," I wouldn't assume they meant [b]hypothetical-quote-THAT[/b] and spend two pages circlejerking about what a shitty person they are because well obviously they mean [b]THAT[/b] because I decided as much. [quote] I know you struggle with nuance, but you familiarity with the forum rules should make this an easy one, right?[/quote] [i]Love it[/i] that I'm the one who 'struggles with nuance' in your world.