[hr][hr][h1][b][i][color=Olive][center]Richard Laine[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1] [center][img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/0a935e3cb288a911fce1b9434b1824ba/tumblr_inline_o8x4pvPGHa1tamghh_500.gif[/img][/center] [hr] [center] [b][color=Olive]Location[/color][/b] Brotherhood Headquarters - New York, New York - Hallway {"And so it begins."}[/center] [hr][hr] Richard's eyes narrowed at Wanda. [color=Olive]"I believe I said I needed a word with her. Alive."[/color] That cool and smiling voice was a venomous hiss. [color=Olive]"She is useful. When I have what I need, you can have her."[/color] Though he did crack a smile at Guin's wisecracks. The girl was amusing, he would give her that. Though his smile turned to a frown at the [i]'Well, this is new'[/i]. That was... How was any of this new? Wanda had her powers for some time and was adept at using them. Snake slitted eyes narrowed as he stalked towards the elevator. Let Wanda and the girl figure it out. Let Magneto figure out that cat fight. Rule one of male survival? Don't get involved in a females' fight. Stepping in from of the elevator though not actually in it, he looked over the three girls. [color=Olive]"Ladies. Richard Laine. Don't believe any of you know a girl from Alaska?"[/color] He gave a charming smile, twirling a knife in one hand. He wouldn't hurt them, not if they were reasonable. But he would keep them out of the fight. Gesturing with a mocking slight tilt of his head. [color=Olive]"Why don't you step on out slowly and we have a little chat? One of your little friends is bleeding out, and another is rabid."[/color] He mentioned, examining the knife's edge, while seeming to talk about the weather. Though his eyes never left the three. He was ready to jump at any moment to attack. [color=Olive]"And Wanda, dear, you're father is not needed. Unless your admitting your weak?"[/color] Adder mocked. [hr][hr][h1][b][i][color=ForestGreen][center]Ayita Dyrkin[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1] [center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/f3/04/68/f30468d9d2e0107f4aa691c28ffd4507.jpg[/img][/center] [hr] [center] [b][color=ForestGreen]Location[/color][/b] Brotherhood Headquarters - New York, New York - Hallway {"You want a monster?"}[/center] [hr][hr] Ayita panted, and bones groaned. Cracking and splitting skin she soon appeared, kneeling next to Damon. Her hair normally wild was even more so. Blood was smeared across the top of her chest, across her throat and down from her lips. Panting heavily, the Alaskan girl looked at the wound. It was superficial. Turning she tilted her head, looking at Damon. Her eyes weren't wary, they weren't anything. Blank and amber they contained only deadly intent. Reaching out slowly, she hooked a slim finger under Damon's jaw. Forcing him to meet her eyes. There was not a trace of humanity. Sadness and fear, yes. But no trace of mercy. Snarling, Ayita nodded once before releasing him. Standing, she pulled the knife from her boot and tossed it aside. Metal would not help. [color=ForestGreen]"Get to the van."[/color] She whispered, her voice hollow. [color=ForestGreen]"They want a monster, they will have one."[/color] She looked at the body of Wonderland. Not feeling anything for the woman who she killed. She had been an enemy, and had been destroyed. Even if the others hated her, she did what she had to.