[quote=@Penny] Nowhere. Don't go any distance with that. [/quote] I think I would, considering how it seems that it's totally acceptable for everyone else except Western nations to do it Like seriously, anyone remember "Africa for the blacks!" ? No uproar or anything with that? [quote=@Dynamo Frokane] And how would you go about achieving that demography? [/quote] I wouldn't actually want to create one, I just want to instill the idea that wanting your country, the country you grew up in and knew for all your life, to remain the same without mass immigration being forced down your throat is not exactly an insane idea. I dunno mate, just me. [quote=@POOHEAD189] By God, what road shall he choose!? [hider][img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/f876162ffc4d815db98a34939e49b21e/tumblr_p40n1czV1F1sx8o26o1_1280.png[/img][/hider] Legitimately, I am wondering if you literally meant racial demography [@ReonenMiruel] Not that I think you meant anything else but still wanna make sure. [/quote] Not quite, I really don't give much of a fuck if someone wants to assimilate and see themselves as being [x] without any hyphens. Seems to be working quite well here in Australia... sort of. Not really. In some places. But that aside, the only real thrust I wanted to point out is I don't want Australia/America/wherever to turn into the third world hellhole I grew up in. [quote=@Dynamo Frokane] "Them savage natives were killing each other like crazy, if we hadn't have arrived and forced them into chrstianity they would have genocided themselves!" Ironically, he would have no problem with someone like [@Xandrya] who is an immigrant but 'looks white enough'. [/quote] Ironic, 'cause my daughter is half white, and I'm pretty sure the white half isn't coming from me. Uhh... sorry in advance for potential double post, but I have to skip pages here...