[@shylarah] Renee was far more used to catching cats than she was cats catching her. Whilst she had seen the felines padding about, of course they would be hard to miss, and nobody would be shooing them away, she had not expected one to strike up a conversation with her. She listened carefully to his words. Cats were tricky creatures- that was half the reason she was wearing her mask, after all, and it would be prudent to avoid giving too much information away to the other... Attendee. Yes, attendee would be the right phrasing here. She had the odd feeling of wanting to pet him, but refrained from doing so, instead merely cocking her head ever-so-slightly until he was done stretching. When he asked to accompany her, of course she could do nothing but comply. "I don't see any reason why not." A bobbed head and what could have been the start of a curtsy, stiffening as he leapt up onto her shoulder. He was certainly real, that much was certain, since she could feel his weight on her shoulders. Not to mention the warmth radiating off of his body. This was what those in high society must feel like when they donned their ermine. "Ro?" She thought a minute. It didn't seem to be a coded phrase or expression- and even if it had been, she wasn't sure that she could understand a cat's code. It did get her thinking however. Ro. Suddenly, an odd little thing popped into her head. [i]Do, ray, me, fa, so, la, ti, do.[/i] It had been a long time since she had studied music, and yet that had stuck with her. How peculiar. Nonetheless, she could use it. "Well then Ro. You can call me..." She thought for just a second. "Call me Ray."