My recounting experience was nothing so slapstick, nothing weird or pervy or cartoonily "epic" like that. We were level 1, barely any gear and I lost my spellbook. It was just a "So you come across the maze they mentioned, tales of monsters dwelt within but you have to cross it. The moss laden dirt ..." I stopped the host there, asked him to confirm the type of ground we were on. Confirming it was just peat earth. I turned to my friend who had tremorsense for her racial ability ...and proceeded to Mold Earth (a usually unpopular cantrip spell I have) our way subterranean. The host had planned all this combat sequences that night which we just were like "Ciao, gtg, next quest pl0x, bai." Through the whole maze. ...In the end, we OOCily decided to play his maze adventure properly. To reward his effort.