1. I'm always open to new ideas 2. I'm online when i can be and post when i can. college eats up a lot of time. 3. I have a post range of up to a 10 sentence paragraph. 4. I have few limits 5. I'm fine with 18+ material but don't want that to be the only thing in the rp. 6. I love to use pms but will use a thread if it is wanted. 7. I generally play males. I'm looking for anyone that would like to play out any form or rp involving dragons. I have been craving dragon rps for a while. After retiring on of my elder half-dragon chars I feel its time to see what my other chars can do. I have a few Feral dragons that I can play and another few Half-dragons. If you have an rp idea with dragons i'm more than happy to hear it.