[hr][hr] [center][h1][b][i][color=coral]Samira[/color],[color=lightblue]Raymond[/color] & [color=8dc73f]Amelia[/color][/i][/b][/h1][/center] [center][IMG]http://i68.tinypic.com/muwdh3.jpg[/IMG][hr][b]Location:[/b] Church southeast of Newnan [b]Skills:[/b] Stealth, Athletics, First Aid [/center][hr][hr] [i]This can't happeninging[/i], Sam kept telling herself as she watched chunks of half digested food splash onto her clothing and drop down onto her boots. She tried to avoid having to look at her companion's vomit but when she looked down at herself to assess the damage a lump quickly formed in her throat and she gagged pretty loudly. Sam had trouble picking up her cat's puke, human vomit was way out of her comfort zone. [i]Come on, this would be by far the most embarrassing death. Get a hold of yourself.[/i] Instead of focusing on her damp clothing soiled with clumps of Ray's food, Sam instead steeled herself and trained her eyes forward. They had arrived at the road, the houses weren't that far off now. She continued to pull Ray along with her, her steps determined and strong. [color=coral]"If we get out of this alive, this never happened,"[/color] Sam half-joked, though her embarrassment was quite clear. Raymond looked at the mess that he had made all over Sam's clothes feeling completely embarrassed at what he had just done, but god that smell was so horrid. Raymond looked away and tried to ignore the smell and the sight of his own vomit, and he simply continued to move forward. [color=lightblue]"Yeah lets just keep it between us and never speak of it again then."[/color] Raymond said, his stomach then started to slowly get back to normal. [color=lightblue]"Could be worse getting covered in Walker guts is probably far worse."[/color] Raymond said jokingly as he looked over towards Amelia once more. It wasn't as horrible as some things she had smelled in the past. The apocalypse had made her get better at surviving certain things and standing uncomfortable experiences,but her first conclusion that it wasn't as bad was quickly draining. It was rapidly getting worse as she found herself trying to hold it in. The desire to puke all over was growing as she, in the end, couldn't even take another step. Placing hands on her mouth and nose, trying to lessen the disgust. She remembered people telling her to take a deep breath when she was feeling the desire to puke... well she was not in this case given the reason for said stimuli. [color=coral]"Sounds good to me, Chief."[/color] Sam turned to glance over her shoulder as she quickly checked on Amelia. She wasn't that far behind, but Sam didn't want them too get too far ahead of her either. She believed it would be much safer if they stuck together, especially with all the walkers around them. "Hey-" Before Sam could get another word in she lost her footing on the icy ground beneath. She valiantly attempted to stay upright, but the fatigue and Ray's weight hit it at once and she went tumbling down and took her companion down this slippery slope right along with her. The sound she made when she hit the ice told her something would be sore for days, or worse. Sam attempted numerous times to catch herself, but the road's decline and her hands trying to grip ice was an uphill battle, so to speak. Sam made it to the end of the road and for a moment she thought she could make it to a stop and stand on her feet, but before she knew it she was sliding down again just like a rollercoaster, a really [i]really[/i] shitty one. She rolled roughly on the ice and hit the ground hard again, [color=coral]"Where are the breaks on this thing!?"[/color] Sam joked as she yelled out to her companion. As she continued to go down at a speed that was a little to fast for comfort, Sam abandoned trying to stop herself as she instead shielded her face from the barrage of branches scratching and clawing at her. She tried to avoid getting beat up, but it was almost futile to do so. She's going to feel that in the morning. Fifty yards later, their thrill ride from hell ends into another snowbank, and Sam isn't sure if she can get or if she even wants to attempt moving. Raymond was worried for Amelia it looked like that she was starting to lag behind, when he looked towards Sam when he felt her tugging on his sleeve. Raymond yelled out as he suddenly lost his footing when Sam took him down with her. [color=lightblue]"Not again."[/color] Raymond groaned loudly making sure he had a good grip on the makeshift walking stick. Remembering just a few moments ago losing his footing caused Meghna to die. Raymond did his best to try and slow himself down, he let out a loud groan in pain when he felt his left arm getting scratched. Quickly rolling over onto his back. Ray stopped fighting it until he hit his back up against the snow bank, looking up at the sky, breathing heavily he looked over at his left arm. Seeing a small one inch scratch going across his arm, it could have been worse, Ray reached for the walking stick and slowly helped himself back up. He then reached his hand to offer to help Sam back up onto her feet, looking over to where Amelia was. [color=lightblue]"You okay?"[/color] Raymond asked, taking a deep breath as he tried to look for her. [color=lightblue]"We need to wait for Amelia to catch up."[/color] Amelia almost missed it in her struggle to hold in the urge to throw up, but she did see it. In a display of almost cartoony laws of nature, Sam and Ray slipped... They fell and slipped, attracting attention sure, but also impossibly gaining such an incredible lead of 50 or so yards in fraction of the time it would have taken to cross that distance. She looked at them with big eyes, displaying shock, surprise and amazement. Finally she brought herself together and starting moving, getting outside of the throwing up zone, reaching the roads... there was ice and everything else of that nature. She had to carefully move around it. Still Amelia build up a pace to quickly get further and further until catching up to Sam and Ray.[color=8dc73f]" Are you two alright, anything broken?"[/color] She asked seeing that Ray was already getting up and all, but the other woman appread to have taken the brunt of the hits. Sam groaned as she rolled over a few times, she could feel that nothing was broken so that was a plus. She took Ray's offered hand and got up with a groan and as some of her muscles flexed she could feel skin stretching and burning. [i]Damn, ribs are definitely bruised,[/i] Sam thought as she had trouble taking in deep breaths. [color=coral]"Thanks,"[/color] Sam hissed as she inspected a furious looking gash on her stomach. Her shirt had ripped and her blood stained the dark clothing. [color=coral]"Well, I'm alive...I think."[/color] Sam joked as she glanced at her fingers now coated in her own blood. She had other numerous gashes on her thighs and arms. Hell, she looked like she got into a fight with Freddy Kruger and lost. She thought she'd better get the wounds cleaned up before they get dirty and infected. She stared up at Amelia and managed a smirk, but it probably looked like she was making a weird face since her ribs were hurting like a bitch and she had trouble breathing correctly. [color=coral]"Good thing you didn't hop on, it was a hell of a ride."[/color] Sam looked down at herself and back up to her companions with a slight smile, [color=coral]"A little TLC wouldn't hurt."[/color] Raymond dusted the bit of snow off of himself looking over towards Sam, wincing slightly seeing the wounds that she had gotten from their little frozen slip n' slide. [color=lightblue]"No problem but hey could be worse, no broken bones or missing limbs."[/color] Raymond said jokingly as he turned his head to see that Amelia had finally caught up to them. He really wasn't sure if they were safe enough yet or not, but he didn't want to wait and find out. And he felt way too vulnerable he wasn't sure when Eden would show up either, it would certainly draw their attention with the explosion and the plume of smoke. [color=lightblue]"We should try and find a place and hold up for a few hours or so, and get our wounds tended to."[/color] Ray suggested looking towards Amelia and shook his head. [color=coral]"Just a scratch, nothing to serious. She got the worse of it though."[/color] Raymond said. [color=8dc73f]"Don't move much for the moment. Those wounds look bad."[/color] Amelia quickly said to Sam and looked at Ray who was in visibly better condition from the other woman.[color=8dc73f]" We can Ray, but we need to quickly bandage her first those wounds will lead the walkers to us otherwise..."[/color] She mumbled and quickly pulled her bugout bag, opening it and going through it as fast as she could. Finally she pulled the medkit from it. It was basic and she was mostly knowing what she had to do. It's been a while since she did this and she had only pased the basic first aid course after all.[color=8dc73f]" Sam, don't move too much... I need to get those wounds bandaged."[/color] Amelia said to the other woman and looked at Ray.[color=8dc73f]" Can you look out for closing in walkers while I bandage her up?"[/color] She asked and looked down at the wounds, pulling some disinfectant, bandages and so on. Those were a lot of wounds be they not down to the bones. Still that was a lot of wounded skin.[color=8dc73f]" This will sting..."[/color] She added and got to work cleaning and bandaging. She was a lil clumsy on the job, but still serviceable. [color=8dc73f]"This should do for now."[/color] Amelia finally said, throwing whatever remained from the medkit back into the bag. Sam chuckled at Ray's words, [color=coral]"Looks like slip N' slide had it out for me,"[/color] If Sam was perfectly honest, she was glad Ray didn't get anything worse, poor guy had a missing leg. She stared at the man's face for a moment, wondering what he was thinking. He looked positively exhausted and beat up, but that wasn't anything new. There was something else there, but she couldn't quite pinpoint it. [i]Must be the exhaustion[/i], she thought. She turned to Amelia and watched the woman pull out a medic pack from one of their bags. Usually, Sam would have fixed herself up, but her wounds were pretty deep and hard to clean on her own, especially those she couldn't see or reach on her back. Sam reached for the nearest tree as Amelia started to apply antiseptic to her angry wounds, she knew this was going to be far from pleasant and needed something to hold onto. Her nails dug into her wood as she hissed in pain - Sam looked up at the sky and for a moment she found it funny that she was on the receiving end on what she had been so used to do to patients. She looked down at Amelia and could see how concentrated the woman was, [color=coral]"You eh-"[/color] Sam clenched her teeth at the jolt of pain in her side, [i]son of a bitch![/i] [color=coral]"You ever done this before?"[/color] Sam wasn't judging, she thought Amelia was doing a pretty good job; gentler than most nurses that's for sure. After a few more agonizing minutes all of her wounds were patched up and Sam felt like she could breathe again, though her ribs still worried her. [color=coral]"Thanks Red, I'm ready to go if you are."[/color] Sam knew the next morning was going to be hell even if they would somehow get a really good's night sleep. Her body is going to be screaming tomorrow, and not the 'I'm getting muscles gains' kind of soreness. [color=lightblue]"I know, just feel like we are sitting ducks out here right now."[/color] Raymond said softly as he gave Amelia a nod as he looked up and down the road in case there were any walkers. He was pretty exhausted, and still a lot of things were going on in his head but his mind always went to towards Tiffany. He looked over his shoulder towards Sam and Amelia as Amelia dug into the bugout bag and pulled out the medkit that was inside of it. Ray gave Sam a friendly smile and nod before turning his attention back towards their surroundings. It felt good to at least have a small breather room letting out a slight sigh as he moved over towards a nearby tree putting his full weight onto the tree. His foot felt so incredibly sore he closed his eyes as he took the bit of time to relax and listened in on the sounds around them.