The moment the fireball impacted upon Ursaren's shield An-Hasst, just having started to enjoy the blessings of the old man's healing, let go off the Rog captain's halberd. A loud, reverberating bang followed suit as the metal made contact with the rocky ground. It probably would have been a lot louder if it hadn't been for the soft, spongy and highly absorbing surfaces of the giant fungi around here. Eating something ? Skipped, definitely. What the Skayleigh didn't tell the party was that he didn't encounter any [i]immediate[/i] angry feelings against the Dorcha. Sure, these were humanoids which had no trouble at all with doing evil things, but still there wasn't true hatred right now. How could one hate something one had so puny bits of information about, if any ? There were certain, small people around here who had already managed to make clear that they were mean, obnoxious, deceptive individuals, but those dorcha, at least for a quite noticeable bunch of seconds, had earned his desire for their deaths by the mere fact that they had started the attack. With so many people already rushing forward An-Hasst decided to stay behind and not try to rush over the flowing water and find some decent space for wielding that halberd. There were other means available that could do a decent job and, while being slower and seemingly much more clumsy than a bow, could be prepared and then kept ready without expending one's stamina until the moment was right. The Skayleigh jumped for the nearest cover and used his foot to tension his crossbow. The non armor-piercing bolt would suffice, wouldn't it ? At least for a female dorcha's underbelly -- no need to even try and aim for her heart or even head. Much too risky to aim with such precision in a situation that could include a fireball being hurled at oneself at any moment. Another bunch of seconds later and with Alice's spell already taking effect the weapon was ready. An-Hasst moved out of cover aimed for what already was becoming a darker and darker shade in the cavern, seemingly running away or at least pretending so. The projectile zipped by his companions at uncomfortable speed with equally unnerving sounds emanating from it. A soft noise of impact followed, not the hard one would expect from a miss and subsequent destruction at a random point of the cavern's massive walls. The bolt had punched right through and dumped most of its kinetic energy into her body, ripping through her guts and ejecting bloody debris in front of her eyes. Maybe she'd survive long enough for questions being asked, but that had not been An-Hasst's intention. [@POOHEAD189][@Gardevoiran][@BCTheEntity][@The Fated Fallen][@Stormflyx]