4th Feb. 2057, 0730hrs (New Pitam City, Ernst Brandt) After meeting with the Kor representative last month, Ernst felt that his advances and attempts to broaden trade between the two countries fell on deaf ears. So needlessly to say when during his breakfast a messenger appeared and informed him that the officials were willing to talk about possible trade opportunities. He was very intrigued as to what was occuring in the capital to change their stance. It then occurred to him that he should probably talk to the Emperor before he met with the diplomats. “Tell them that i shall be over in an hour, I need to make a call.” he informed the messenger. And then promptly sent him on his way. Ernst “Your highness, Apologies for waking you up, but i have received word that the Union of Kor is willing to start talking about trade. Is there anything in particular that i should bring to their attention?” Wolfgang “No worries Ernst i was just doing some paperwork.” the Emperor gestures to the stacks of paper surrounding him “Just inform them of our good intentions, and let them know we are willing to assist them in anyway necessary with their ambitions in space. Oh and for Lotte’s sake man stop calling me emperor. We’ve known each other for the past 60 years!” Ernst “Sorry Wolfgang it’s habit.” he says with a hint of a chuckle “but I will certainly let them know.” Wolfgang “Alright old friend, let me know how negotiations go. I need to go brief the VEA on the Kobold visitors we shall be having soon.” Ernst “Goodbye Sir.” he said as the Emperor ended the call. Upon Ernst’s arrival at the city hall he was escorted to one of the meeting rooms. This time he noted that the room had two guards posted outside. Inside the room was heavily decorated with chitanite, and other more lavish furnishings than other meeting rooms. A beautiful rug covered most of the floor, the walls were covered in chitanite patterns and beautiful paintings of the ocean. There was a large bay window looking out on what must be one of the few gardens in the city. Ernst walked around the room to grasp the minute detail in each design. After a few minutes of observing the door opened, and in walked a woman he had never seen before. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ New Pitam City 3rd Feb. 2057, 2300hrs It had been late at night when Naki emergency phone started ringing. She wasn't expecting it to be the High King though, sure she was one of the diplomats that could speak several foreign languages thus negating her need for a interpreter greatly but it was really something else to hear the High King over the phone. The High King after all rarely left the capital besides a once a year tour of the Tari major cities. Van'kor "Good you are up, I have much to discuss." Naki "What is it High King?" Van'kor "Please call me Van'kor, as our talks will easily go into the early morning." Naki "Yes High- Van'kor." Van'kor "As you know have been a series of launches into space, you are tasked with acquiring trade. Primary goal usual but you are to put a emphasis on resources. Slip in some talks of space and if the bait is taken you are to initiate the talks about acquiring a partner in space. This is no small task, I can call another diplomat but I value your skills as a interpreter could cause issues." Naki "I gladly except!" Van'kor "Good now into the details." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ New Pitam City 4th Feb 2057. 0830hrs. Naki had been promised position of Head Diplomat which was still vacant from Void War as the previous had died in one of nuked Aldabetan Cities. She had been sure to prepare the room accordingly having some refreshments and snacks as she expected the finer details of the talk would take long. One of the nicest meeting rooms that was mainly only used to impress. It was good Naki had been trained to keep a straight face while she walked with Ernst to the room as the nervousness since talks with High King had not gone away. Naki "I can assure you that today's talks will be far more fruitful than previous." Ernst “I would hope so ma’am. Considering my previous attempts at talks have been unsuccessful.” Naki "Previously talks were hampered by certain policies that were in effect. Those policies have since been suspended so today will be the day. Many changes are happening in the world and space." Ernst “Well then, I’m most curious to see what you have to say in both regards.” Naki “Very well, as you know the Union of Kor has expended a great deal of resources lately. I’m sure news travels fast. First though is the usual resource needs such as food but are willing to expand towards other resources. The space launches really are a strain. Require a great deal thus have facilitated the need for trade.” Ernst “I’m sure that my empire would be willing to send over some of our resource production, and of course any extra food we have to spare. However our empire is most interested in your space ambitions currently, and may be willing to assist you in reaching them.” Naki “Space? Ah it is good to hear you are interested in assisting us with that. Truth be told the Union of Kor lacks the ability to finish this project of ours in a timely fashion. We will have the documents brought so you can look them over first. Any assistance would be of great help.” Ernst “Well then let’s look at these documents….” Ernst and Naki continued to talk for a couple of hours about various concerns both countries had. The talks would also turn heavily into discussing the information about the Union of Kor space project. Though mostly with checking the documents provided by Naki that listed various specifications and how to go about in future schedules would need to be made for transferring of information and several tari engineers to help bring the Wolfen up to speed as schematic information was primarily hard copy. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 10th February 2057, 0900 (Spaceport, Princess Lucina) The Vaspenian Empire’s space port is located in the mountain range to the south of Venris, amongst some of the highest peaks in the range. The space port was once your average air force base that was home to the Empire’s long range bomber command, and ICBM silos. Both of which have been relocated to other bases. [img]https://image.ibb.co/nxs637/Vaspen.png[/img] On the base there are a few workshops, for the construction of spacecraft to be launched. Princess Lucina is standing with the head engineer Evrard Sendler. He stands five foot eight inches tall, and while looking rather portly his arms are muscular and well tanned from the sun. These two are quite the sight as they stand on the scaffold looking into the hangar at the new habitation extension for the orbital command. “Do you think we can get this launched by the end of the month?” said Lucina as she, six foot five inches, towers over him. “I should certainly hope so ma’am. It’s almost 90% complete right now.” replied Evrard. “Good” She nods her head in thought, “This extension of the station is badly needed before we can progress on anything else. What is the status on the other additions for the station?” “The scientific module is almost complete as well. However the new reactor, and shielding modules are still behind.” “And the status of the new corvette hulls?” “They are coming along on schedule, but we need more time to incorporate some of the new additions to their hulls. We will also be sending up updates for the ones already in orbit.” The Princess Nods and thinks to herself for a moment. “Good then we should be ready for the next big undertaking.” She pulls Evrard into his office from the scaffolding, and pulls out a large roll of paper from her bag. She unrolls the blueprints, and gestures to them. “Do you think you could accomplish this?” Evrard looks startled, he wasn’t expecting the Princess to come up with a project of this magnitude. [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/memoryalpha/images/9/9b/USS_Enterprise-E_spacedock_sketch.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/640?cb=20120103205704&path-prefix=en[/img] “This is a Shipyard, yes?” He asks looking a little dazed. “Yes” replies the Princess He studies the plans for a minute, occasionally using measuring tools to help him, and eventually says: “I think based on the size of this station, that it would be workable with our current capabilities. But it will take 2-3 years possibly even 4 years to build this given how our talks with the Union are going.” he replies. “Then once the current tasks are completed, i’d like to you begin work on this.” said the Princess as she made to leave. “Yes your highness” He said, as he once again looked at the plans.