[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210203/5f2d7e3eb6bf0ea09046ba240c3032d5.png[/img][/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/qM9liPi.png[/img][/center] [center][color=#87c735]"Man, I can see why you've been really getting into this, Logan."[/color][/center] [color=CAA453][center]"Stop calling me Logan!"[/center][/color] "Adelmo von Freudenberger, offensive spellcaster of the guild Regnum Hohenstaufen, known more for its members' extensively coordinated 'minimalist medieval' outfits and roleplaying excursions rather than leaderboard domination. Shares Alex's passion and frankness, albeit in a more bullheaded and mature direction." Physical Description Logan Barnett had always been on the wrong side of average, much to his dismay. He was tall, he supposed, though in the way people labeled as underfed or lanky. His features were masculine enough, though his nose stretched a tad too far for his liking and his resting face had the tendency to set off women's fight or flight responses. Life as a software developer had done the man absolutely no favors as well. It was detrimental, in fact, as years of unpaid overtime had dished out quite the beating to both his posture and eyes. In Pariah, he can finally taste the other side of the fence. His thin and wiry features underwent a number of subtle modifications to give him the appearance of a stoic yet handsome man. He has cropped blond hair in a conservative style identical to the one in his adolescence before premature balding had reared its head, and no glasses to speak of. His body, though still thin, has risen to a weight that no longer concerns others, with the faintest definition of muscle as well. The dedicated gamer and roleplayer had initially joined to rise to the top with his friends while partaking in fantasy adventures, but he has to admit, even just taking it easy with his younger brother feels good with the level of immersion Pariah offers. Character Conceptualization Adelmo von Freudenberger, archmage of the secret Abenddämmerungdrache sect, esteemed confidant to the Knights of the Midnight Order, survivor and champion of the 12th Cataclysm of Sundered Wings. To the rest of Pariah's playerbase, these were nothing more than empty words pertaining to someone a step below them in their little self-imposed caste system of who was better than who. Within his tight-knit group of friends however, he was Adelmo, the powerful magician who could accompany them on one exciting adventure after another, whether in a LARP held in the beautiful canadian wilderness or something over a screen. Pariah was the next big step for them, a chance to not only expand their numbers but meet people from across the world. In time their guild bloomed into one that could handle PvE alongside their roleplaying. They now have nearly double their original members, a mixture of Logan's real life friends and extras picked up along the way. Their trust in one another and synchronization from up to decades of friendship make them a surprisingly powerful force in raids and questing, often being able to perform complex team movements with little to no communication beforehand. They took in Logan's younger brother, Alex, to show him the ropes, but his total disinterest in the guild's day to day roleplaying has created friction between him and the rest of them. That Logan's real life friends had spent years thinking his younger brother was a girl, well, that only made things worse. Guild name: Regnum Hohenstaufen