[hider=Caroline] [center][hr][h1]Caroline Vargas[/h1][hr] [img]https://i.imgur.com/bmWSMEW.jpg[/img] [color=0072bc][h3]"Free of everything, bound by nothing. You live your life simply as it is"[/h3][/color] [/center] [hr][center][h3]P E R S O N A L I A[/h3][/center][hr] [center][/center] // [u][b]P E R S O N A L I T Y[/b][/u] [indent] Passive and a bit introverted in nature she hides a great wisdom not many would expect of her. She naturally sacrifices herself to the duties that are expected of her as a model and fashion designer. Though it is of her own making. She cages herself in trying to fulfill expectations of others. Making a gilded cage as she discards things deemed unsightly of someone of her station no matter how she enjoys it. Full knowing that she may have burned more bridges in doing so. She is a pretty frank person though once angered an often hidden side of herself comes out showing that no matter how she may seem there is still sharp thorns that remain hidden buried and forgotten. She is pretty sheltered in terms of things being so diligent in her duties that was given to her. She often speaks with a somewhat theatrical elocution but mixed into it with a tone of an elegant lady or what she assumes is one. This mask she puts on is one pushed on her by others her manager and company pushing it onto her as to make her seem more otherworldly to compliment her looks. Though she is a more level-headed and often self-deprecating girl she is someone who is kind and gentle and despite the many masks she tries to put on it shows through. [/indent] // [u][b]B A C K G R O U N D[/b][/u] [indent] As a child, Caroline always was a bit different from the rest of her family she had great dreams and ambition than what they wanted for her. Her family often disapproved of her dreams and desire and did all they could to stamp it out. Though she continued her passion for fashion and modeling behind their backs. Against their wishes, as she grew up she started to submit designs and ideas for her clothes to various magazines. It was from there that her designs started to gain popularity. Seeing no other way she could continue her dreams and passion she ran from her family and continued her passion. Her fame growing ever larger as she got more well known with each release of her designs. Time passed as all things do and while she grew more and more famous so did her she withdraw within herself. Piling up her duties and devoting herself to them completely. So determined was her passion for it her hidden desire to prove her family wrong that she lost sight of others. Friends she has made over the span left her just as she left her family as she forgot about others in her near crazed determination. It mattered little to her passion and desires eventually became like a curse. Before long she realized she lost nearly everything and locked herself in a gilded cage. There was nothing else for her friend she has lost in her pursuit the family she left to chase her dreams both was gone for her. To think it was merely two years for her since she ran from her family though she did not forget them. She knew her family in their own way supported her decision how else would she have gotten the jobs she has now? Either way, she knew she probably burned a lot of bridges in the pursuit of her passion. To think that at the age of 17 she would realize that in her crazed passion fueled journey she would end up nearly alone. These thoughts though they plagued her didn’t stop her. No, she would continue despite being in a cage of her own making she was happy despite how much work she never lost her love or passion sure it was buried but it still remained. In the end, her life was one of her own makings Caroline knew this and given the chance she would do the same again. Despite her whirlwind journey of fashion and modeling, she knew her beauty and the like was something many were jealous of. She knew this first hand, after all, there were a few attacks she had to defend herself against. The world she chose to inhabit is not one for the weak. You had to be strong and weather on a lot of assaults. That was the world she lived in and she loved it. These thoughts in hindsight are what shaped her gave her the very thorns she hid. [/indent] [hr][center][h3]P A R A M E T E R S[/h3][/center][hr] [color=0072bc][center]"A rose’s thorns are often time best hidden in plain sight"[/center][/color] // [u][b]F L A M E[/b][/u] [indent] Rain [/indent] // [u][b]A B I L I T I E S[/b][/u] [indent] [b]Taijiquan[/b] - A martial arts that Caroline started to study at a young age even though she doesn’t practice it a lot it still forms the base of her fighting style. [b]Fashionista[/b] - When it comes to clothing there is little Caroline can’t do. She is not only a skilled designer but is known to model her own clothing rather than using others as well. Beyond that, she has skill in sewing and is able to make quick repairs to things quickly although making outfits from scratch will take time. [/indent] // [u][b]E Q U I P M E N T[/b][/u] [indent] [b]Gilded Rose[/b] - A long chain measuring around six feet it has been modified to function much like a lightweight flail with a bladed point and a small weighted end. Though the gold leaf on both the weight and spear end make it seem a bit overly done it does not deter from the weapons purpose. [/indent] [/hider]