[center][hider=Ka'ora Uilic][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/rvzrOgk.jpg[/img] [img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjgwLmU2MTcwYS5TMkVuYjNKaElGVnBiR2xqLjMA/chinese-rocks-free.regular.png[/img][/center] [b][u][color=FF1F00]Age:[/color][/u][/b] 38 [b][u][color=FF1F00]Gender:[/color][/u][/b] Female [b][u][color=FF1F00]Sexual Orientation:[/color][/u][/b] Bi-Sexual (was married to the previous female wind Chosen) [b][u][color=FF1F00]Chosen Marking:[/color][/u][/b] [img]https://i.imgur.com/dry8QO9.jpg[/img] [b][u][color=FF1F00]Familiar:[/color][/u][/b] Type: Lightning Bear Name: Iarzu [hider=Baby Form] [img]https://i.imgur.com/k2C3GxM.png[/img][/hider] [hider=Grown Form] [img]https://i.imgur.com/LKIJTos.jpg[/img][/hider] [b][u][color=FF1F00]Personality:[/color][/u][/b] [hider=Its a read]Ka'ora is a very particular person for a chosen, often called too soft for being a chosen. She is typically considered one of the much nicer chosen out of the remaining living Chosen Veterans. Truth be told, she often thinks that the job isn't for her secretly, she feels like she should have been a doctor or care taker, but she's learned it really doesn't matter what she thinks. Upon realizing she was going to be a chosen and told that was her destiny, she accepted to the best of her ability. A hard worker, a teammate and now with all the new chosen finally starting to replace her old friends, a leader and a guide where the others cannot be. Since the passing of her wife and adopted daughter, she holds on tight to her last and only remaining family member, her adopted son Ethan. She tries not to baby him in front of the others, but mothers will be mothers. Ka'ora has a very calming personality much of the time, like that of a mother or a grandmother, because of her experience as both a mother and and a wife. She learned to deal with a lot of problems and bickering and happens to have a very soothing voice that lets people calm down and almost want to sleep. She loves to go through problems with people and act like a mother or therapist giving her opinion on what they should do or say. She is over all the nicest when it comes to those sort of things and she loves helping others a lot. Even if they aren't the nicest she tries her best to help a lot of others with the problem, whether it be physical or mental she does her best to give her knowledge and smile at the person. The gods find her personality interesting as she strives to help even the evilest of people before having to fight. As long as its not killing the innocent Ka'ora will help with almost, again almost, every task. Though there are some boundaries she will not cross, those involve her body, killing comrades and overall just wrongly hurting people. Those are the boundaries she will not cross even if her life is on the line and a sword is at her neck. She can also be much like a sage when helping people through physical hardships, helping them train, even save their sorry asses if need be. She gonna try her best to help the newbies out whenever possible, even ones that aren't going to be fond of her. If the person is willing, she do her best to help them train, just ask nicely and she'll do her best to make you stronger. This part of her comes from the fact that she no longer has a chosen to train, her chosen dying in battle to save her. She loves giving advice that is honest regardless of if they will hurt your feelings she will not lie to you even if it comes down to saying something mean, she only wants you to get better and if things need to be said then she will say it, granted she does understand feelings and try to dial it back some but other then that you will get the truth out of her and nothing more. In the event that she does lie to you, which rarely will happen she would do it for the protection of not only herself but you and the people involved if it is that serious then at that point she will keep it to herself and only the people she is sure can handle it so that she does not cause mass panic. She is a generally nice natured person, not hating of anyone, no race, no color of skin, all that stuff is nothing in her mind, even gender doesn't matter to her. She cares nothing of the color of skin or race because simply it is not one act that defines a group of people but individuals acts that determine the person. Make them who they are and give them a reason to make Ka'ora not like them. Even the most vile people in human history Ka'ora can get along with because she is simply fascinated with how they are and would love to have a one on one conversation with that said person. Nor does she discriminate or hate a certain race because she believes that everyone gets a second chance, with what they do with that is none of her business just that they deserve at least one more chance and if nothing was learned from the last time then and only then a lost cause she will give up on them. In her eyes even the meanest of people can be nice, whether it be small or big, she will show kindness to all people until they prove to her that they don't deserve her niceness what so ever. She could be considered a peace lover, which is ironic for someone like her but she thinks nothing of it, just love and peace will keep the remaining people she guards from being torn apart and turned into even more of a barren wastelands. She is a kind soul that wont turn her back on something she believes in, only turning away when it is orders from someone she respects. Then and only then is she forced to do an act she is not wanting to do, a lot of things which she doesn't like doing but it forced because her positions demands so. In truth she hates doing some of things she does because her mind can only take doing so many things that cause fighting and death, she hates that in fact. If it were possible she would want to figure out a way to bridge everyone together and have them linked in an alliance instead of all this fighting and death that is unneeded. She keeps this wish secret though, because she knows its unrealistic to even hope for something like that, people and things are selfish, and that's something they must want to change for themselves . Still deep deep deep down she hopes and prays moments will happen when everyone throws down their weapons and can at least talk in peaceful conversations. She has a very particular side to her that not not many see a lot but is more enjoyable to be around. it's her jokester side, the one that loves to be silly and joke around, hates seriousness, hates doing things but sleeping, hanging out. Basically this is how she thinks sometimes when she is in the best of moods and inside the walls instead of guarding them. Though this is when she is most likely not caring of danger, maybe even a little reckless and when fighting in this attitude it's is not safe for the ones around her and is even a danger to herself. Overall when she is like this she can be considered to have that of a surfer vibe and in the most extreme cases a "pothead" type vibe. On the bright side when in this mindset it's the best to ask her about advice about relationships or mental problems and she will go above and beyond to help you with the problem, again as long as it doesn't break the boundaries she sets.[/hider] [b][u]TL:DR:[/u][/b] Ka’ora is the Momma Vet Chosen, she’s looking out for all the little ones, and will do her best to guide them. [b][u][color=FF1F00]Chosen Element: Lightning[/color][/u][/b] [hider=Skills] [u]Complete Technical Mastery:[/u] Ka'ora being a veteran lightning chosen, as well as her adopted daughter being killed by the Storm Reaver and returning Ka'ora all her power, Ka'ora is stronger then she could have ever imagined. Having the most advance knowledge of her power, shes capable of most abilities that the lightning Chosen can possess. Of course she uses the style that fits her fighting most, she still however can preform a multitude of techniques. Firing off arcs of lightning from her marked sword spear, summoning lightning to strike down. Being able to discharge it like a Tesla coil. She also can channel lightning through her body, her most used style, to enhance her strength, speed, or pure power of her attacks. Her mana reserve is completely capped, as she has reached her plateau in terms of growth for her power. [u]Weapon Markings:[/u] A Highly advanced technique that Ka'ora and Flurissa stumbled upon, with the [url=https://img00.deviantart.net/0501/i/2015/151/b/3/magic_circle_02__ancient_seal_of_king_david_by_void_immortal-d8psadr.png]seal markings[/url] of Tormaigh, her Lightning God, it imbues the ability for Ka'ora to use it as a conduit for magic, allowing her to imbue it with lightning magic for devastating attacks, a target for her lightning to strike, and also a ticking lightning bomb of sorts, allowing it to work on a timer, before discharging all of the lightning magic from the spearsword coming off as arcs.[/hider] [b][u][color=FF1F00]Weapon:[/color][/u][/b] The sword in her picture is part of a three part Sword Spear. The staff of the spear, breaks down into two rods, which she can use to stab into the ground and make make shift lightning rods. She has heavy combat experience using the sword, as well as the spear modification, so she typically switches between the two depending on the situation. [b][u][color=FF1F00]History:[/color][/u][/b] [hider=Collabd with Heck] History: Ka'ora, born Kathrine Orain, was a child of small beginnings. Her parent's had both been just coming out of their teenage years when their beautiful accident had come into their lives. Nameless people, they attempted to give her a life full of meaning, but quickly her chosen markings developed. Not wanting to gain the noterity of being a Chosen's parents, they gave her up to Luminel's temple, leaving her on the door step and never looking back, unnamed and forgotten. When the disciples of the temple opened the door to see the blonde haird, red eyed baby, giggling up at them, they swept her up. Nothing but her in the basket and a ripped piece of paper with her name, Ka'ora. Once it was discovered that she would be the next chosen, she became the child of the Temple. Everyone treated her like their child, giving her the love that her parents hoped for. It was long before she had begun training with the previous Chosen, Wicka, who had been the lightning chosen now for almost thirty years. He wasn't one of the favorites, but the man was one of the kindest. Ka'ora started this training at the age of four, when she found out how to activate the power by sheer accident. But as a result, she had put three other children in the hospital for two weeks. Forgiven but not forgotten, Wicka took her up on the wall and began the training that would make her into who she is now. He taught her to control her magic, to shape it, to...become it and understand what it meant to be a chosen. He taught her what it meant to be a human, to have compassion for others. She considered him her father, and when he passed, she learned the last lesson he wanted to teach her. The acceptance of death that would complete her training, to understand that being a Chosen, meant you had to accept the losses that come with being on top of the wall, looking down at people who depend on you to protect them. All the while, through out her training, she often was paird with the other Wind Chosen, a beautiful red haired girl who also had red eyes. Because of the way the wind and lightning goddess and god work, they had a natural affection to each other. It started off innocent at first, they had quickly become best friends, accepting the magical bond the two share. Friends, turned into secret lovers, and then slowly they began to become public with their affections. They couldn't be seperated before long, and then, Ka'ora asked her to be with her forever, knowing that they'd both start to die when the next wind and lightning chosens were born. Flurissa never missed a beat with ka'ora, following her every step of the way, and thus they got married, becoming the first lesbian couple Chosens to get married. As the years went on, they only became more engrossed in one another, buying a home in the middle of their districts so that they could deploy to their portion of the walls when needed. The question of kids was asked after a couple years of their marriage but both agreed it would be unfair and to just wait for the next chosen to be born, any kid they;d had would end up an orphan and thats something they couldn't risk. So time went on, until the next chosen were born. A baby girl had been discovered at the orphanage, no name, nobody to claim her. Ka'ora was brought in to ask if she could take her to Luminel's Temple, meeting the baby girl who, just like she had when she was dumped on the stairs of the temple, looked at her with all giggles. Ka'ora asked if she could instead, adopt the girl and train/raise her as one of her own. And so, the baby was born, Eurika Uilic, Ka'ora taking her home and surprising Flurissa with their baby girl. Then...Ethan was born... History: Ethan was born to a lower middle class family near the southwestern section of the city walls. His father was a thirty or so year old city watchman at the time, though, after the discovery of Ethan's markings he quickly retired in order to help his already quite sickly wife raise their new child. Word quickly spread that the new wind chosen had been born, and it wasn't long before the whole family was fairly well known. For four years, the family lived and, other than the odd incident with strangers being interested in the newest Chosen or being upset at the fact that his existance marked the end of the previous Chosen, a rather popular woman and close family friend named Flurissa. The woman in question was known to be rather kind and beautiful, though she would never admit to either. Her humility only gave her more popularity among the followers of the Wind God. Of course, with popularity comes fanaticism, and those fanatics were quite terrified to lose the woman they had followed unquestioningly for years. That fear eventually came to a head, and a small group decided the only way to save Flurissa was to kill the young chosen that was to succeed her. The plan was simple, breaking into the small home and stabbing the four year old Ethan in his sleep. Even simple plans, however can be foiled by coincidence. When they entered the home, they found that the child wasn't in his bed...Because of a nightmare, he had just gone to wake his parents. As he was already awake when the door had come crashing down, Ethan's father grabbed his old spear and rushed to the front only to be cut down by three of the fanatics, only managing to take one with him as he screamed for his wife to escape with their child. As she was still quite frail, Ethan's mother barely managed to force him out the window and scream for him to run before a dagger was driven into her own back. The only fortune in the whole situation was that Flurissa, who had been on a nightly walk, heard the scream and sprinted at full speed to the scene. The fanatics that had cornered Ethan not long after, were quickly and almost mercilessly pummeled by her wind magic as she quickly grabbed the crying child and fled the scene. After leaving Ethan at her own home and entrusting the job of consoling him to her wife, Ka'ora, Flurissa dashed back to the scene of the crime to find that her friends, Ethan's parents, were slain and lying in pools of their own blood. Of course, she had no idea why it was done. She didn't exactly have time to ask questions when she was focussed on getting Ethan away from the scene. Ethan, while she was doing that, still had no idea what had become of his family. All he had known was that those scary men had been after him. The only thing he could ask Ka'ora was where his parents were and why Flurissa, who he had only known to have that gentle look in her eye, had looked so intense. Only being four, none of the events made any sense at all. The only thing he could do was to ask questions and cry to one of the few people he knew outside of his family. Ka'ora had been eating dinner with Eurika in the home she shared with Flurissa, when she had bursted in with a child in her hands. Ethan in fact, the little boy that was the next wind chosen. Only meeting him a handful of times before, she had found that she had a natural bond with the child as well, not a romantic one, but one more of that of a mother or older sister. So when he had come in Flurissa's arms, who had given her a concerning look before running back out, she worried something big had happened. Instantly picking him up, she bounce carried him on her hip to help with his crying and brought him, with Eurika holding her other hand, upstairs where they had toys laid out. Signing to him, she sat down with him and Eurika in her lap and tried her hardest to calm him down. Iarzu, her lightning bear, summoned himself and played with the two, distracting Ethan, or rather trying to distract the boy from anything that happened. Ethan was mostly comforted by Ka'ora and Iarzu, almost forgetting his unanswered questions. Though, as soon as Flurissa returned he ran to her for answers. He didn't understand when she wasn't able to look at him directly, he didn't understand the look of sorrow and guilt in her eyes, and lastly, he didn't understand when she sat him down and took Ka'ora into another room to explain what had happened. None of it made any sense, normally Flurissa was so cheery and almost motherly in Ethan's eyes. Something was wrong, and he wasn't going to just wait and find out later. He tried to follow the adults into the room only to be stopped by Eurika. Grabbing his hand, she pulled him along to her books, pulling out one and having Iarzu read to them. She held onto his hand, holding his inner arm and following Iarzu with intense attention. Slowly, as the book droned on and Flurissa and Ka'ora stayed in the other room, Eurika started to fall asleep on the boy, trapping him under body heat and dead weight. In the other room, Flurissa paced back and forth. She struggled to muster the words...to tell her wife that their friends were dead, that Ethan was now an orphan...but it wasn't that easy. After a few minutes of pacing, she turned and hugged Ka'ora, fighting back tears. Sputtering out what had transpired between sobs. She had no clue how to tell Ethan, truthfully she was heartbroken even without that burden. All she wanted to do was pick him up and hug him and swear that everything would be okay, but it wouldn't be that simple...And the words for it simply weren't there. Telling a four year old that he would never see his parents again, that people existed that were cruel enough to murder them, and even try to kill a small child...She lacked the strength to stand anymore, instead collapsing in to the hug. Ka'ora wanted to mourn with her wife, but she knew she had to be strong. Instead she let her wife cry into her chest, holding her and whispering that things would be okay and that they'd figure out how to deal with it. She could feel Flurrisa's pure sorrow, making her tear up, but she only ran her hand through her hair and hugged her tighter as the woman burrowed deeper and deeper. Picking her up and sitting her down, she crouched and wiped her tears away. Telling her that it was their duty as Chosen to make sure Ethan wouldn't had to deal with the sorrow, so she Flurrisa promise that they would tell him, but not now. To only explain that his parents had gone away to get better and that they'd get to see him when he get better. They would brake the news to him when he was old enough to deal with the pain. Telling a 4 year old with the magic of a god that his parents had been murdered, might set off his powers and that could cause further hatred for the child from fanatics, if something were to happen of course. Ka'ora's words calmed Flurissa down quite a bit. She was right, of course she was. The only thing they could do for Ethan now would be to take him in as their own. They could keep him safe...in fact, if anyone else took him in, it would just be risking this same event all over again. It wouldn't be easy to lie to him about it, but the truth would be the last thing he needed to hear as things were. Ethan couldn't help but fall asleep under the weight of Eurika. Wondering what Ka'ora and Flurissa were talking about, if his parents were alright...But those questions weren't enough to stave off sleep. He drifted off, exhausted by the night's events. Flurissa managed to compose herself, and cracked the door to a sight that left her both relieved and warmed her heart. Ethan was fast asleep under Eurika on the floor. The two were absolutely adorable. For a moment, she had almost forgotten everything. Her sorrowful look turned to straight determination, Ethan would be happy here. He would be safe, and if anyone tried to change that, she would end them. Years went by, Ethan and Eurika grew quickly. Once Eurika began combat training, Ethan eagerly begged to start too despite their age difference. He had developped a habit of trying to imitate his adopted sister out of admiration. Flurissa was quite hesitent, but agreed anyway. They had both already been taught to read and tap into their element on a basic level, so it was the next natural step. While Eurika picked up on techniques easily, Ethan struggled desperately trying to keep up. It was as though his sister had almost no trouble learning advanced techniques while he could barely muster a simple gust of wind. Given the fact that they all lived together, it was natural that training almost always occured simultaneously. Of course, it would help both Eurika and Ethan learn to fight as a team in the future if they knew eachothers' fighting style and moves. Unfortunateley, given Ethan's slow progress, it seemed quite unlikely that he would get to that point. While he certainly grew more powerful, his control was almost nonexistant most of the time, often causing blasts of wind that he couldn't contain, even having to be countered by Flurissa on the occasion to prevent any damage. Ka'ora had never felt this types of emotions towards anyone other then her wife. She loved the two children, it feeling like these two were truly hers and Flurissa's. It was quite funny however, Eurika definitely should have been the Wind Chosen and Ethan the lightning, Eurika caught on incredibly fast, much faster then she ever hoped to as a kid, in fact she was alot like Ethan in the aspect that she wasn't as good as picking up advance techniques. She totally knew how to train a kid like Ethan, because she was Ethan as a kid, with Eurika, it was almost effortless, she was so elegant in her movements, she reminded her of Flurissa to the T. The girl just seemed to click, she did however match Ka'ora's personality, attempting to teach Ethan when they had time to themselves. Eurika had embraced being Ethans sister, not even thinking about the two years that seperated them. She felt like he was truly her twin, that she was meant to help and grow with him. Most would see Ethan's position as frustrating or disheartening, the fact that he could barely control his power and had to accept help at almost every turn, but not once did he see it that way. Even when he failed he never lost hope that he could be strong like his older sister or either of his mothers. The fact that they continued to help him practice just convinced him that they at least saw something despite his struggling. Even if he didn't know what that something was, he knew that it had to be there. So, every day he practiced as hard as he could, following every instruction that Flurissa gave him to the best of his ability. Oftentimes it would blow up in his face, but he still pressed forward, convinced that he could be strong too. Eventually, he started practicing in private whenever he was left alone. Trying to make the techniques he had been struggling with work, even if they just wouldn't click. Many windows were lost with each failure, but he slowly began to at least be able to control the outbursts. Flurissa never commented on the broken windows or other damage, she knew Ethan was just coming into his own. Even when she felt inadequate as a teacher, she knew the boy would eventually figure it out. Perhaps she had been wrong to try and teach him the same way she was taught, clearly it hadn't been sticking. All she knew to do now was continue to help him practice whenever possible, and support him in any way possible. She couldn't help but smile whenever she saw Ka'ora practicing with Eurika though, it was always great to see how quickly their daughter was maturing. It would take no time for her to master her lightning at this rate. That fact was bittersweet, how in a matter of years it would be time for the new Chosen to replace them...for them to leave their adopted children to grow up on their own. The only true consolation was that Eurika and Ethan would have eachother. Then...everything changed, by this time, Eurika and Ethan had been well aqquinted with their power and job as the next chosen. You could tell that Ka'ora and Flurissa were slowly losing their powers, enough so that missions required the four of them to go outside the walls whenever they were deployed. This day should have been no different. They had been sent on a mission to track some sort of big beast that had been spotted on the outskirts of the dying forest that was visible from the walls. It was said to be a humaniod being on a wolf of some sort, glowing in the dark and when it was spotted would simply vanish. It was suppose to be a simple track and report missions, but they were so incredibly wrong. It didn't take long for the veterans to realize something wasn't right. Despite not seeing the creature, the feeling that they were being watched kept Flurissa's hairs standing. She instinctively kept herself between the outer perimeter and the two younger chosen. They were being hunted. She couldn't tell for sure where it was, but they were being watched, studied...judged. The piercing wail from their flank immediately caused Flurissa to launch both Ethan and Eurika backwards toward the wall. The monster that made the sound chilled Flurissa to the very core. It was about eight feet tall whilst on its mount, but it seemed quite bulky. Unlike many of the monsters that ever neared the wall, it was armed...The long axe in its hand pointed directly at the group as it bellowed out what she could only assume to be a challenge. She took up a defensive posture despite her shaking, whatever this thing was easily beyond them. It stood, just breathing, its body was a mix of bone, flesh and frabric. It seemed like he was completely melded with his cloths, not only that but he didn't move his legs, as if he was part of the wolf itself. Ka'ora virtually bolted towards Flurissa, using her lightning to enhance her speed. Stopping lightning dispirsed and thunder sounded. Holding Flurissa's hand she squeezed it reassuringly. No chosen prior had fallen victim to anything outside the wall, they would be no different. unsheathing the two bars from her weapon holster on her back, she connected them and then connected the road to the hilt of her sword. Standing in an equally defensive stance, she waited with Flurrisa for the thing to attack. Then suddenly, it was gone, seemlingly disapting with the wind. Following, the screams of Eurika and Ethan followed, but this wasn't truly them. The thing was mimicing they're voices, playing with Flurissa's and Ka'ora's mind. Ka'ora's blood churning, she bolted forward, jumping and Iarzu appearing bigger then he typically was, arcs of lightning flying off the two. Pure rage filled her mind as she raced towards the sounds of their children, hoping Flurissa was following her. Eurika opened her eyes, her back towards the wall, with the beginning of the forest in front of her. From inside the forest, she could hear Ka'ora and Flurissa, calling out their names, begging for help. Looking to her right she saw that Ethan had yet to wake up from being blown back from Flurissa. Looking between the forest and Ethan, she felt a sudden sense of doom. Standing she looked away, and sent volts into Ethan, making sure he'd stay asleep, she knew this could end bad, and she wouldn't let him risk his life trying to be a hero. Turning, she ran back into the forest trying to find the two by their voice. Flurissa sprinted alongside Ka'ora. She wasn't about to let Ka'ora fight this thing alone. Surely between the two of them it would be possible. Her familiar, Gust, formed around her left arm as she drew her shortsword with her right. Only a moment later she felt the wind get knocked out of her as something hit her directly in her solar plexus. The moment she hit the ground, she rolled and quickly surveyed the area around her as she tried to gasp for air. Spying the creature raising its axe high, she managed to pool her magic and launch herself a few feet to evade the heavy swing that sundered the ground under the space her neck was just a moment ago. She couldn't muster enough breath to shout for Ka'ora, only hoping she noticed when she was knocked down. Forcing herself to jump at the monster with her blade firmly in her hand, surrounded by wind, she plunged the sword directly into on of its eyesockets and let out a blast of wind directly into its face. The sword stuck in, but without flinching, the monster grabbed Flurissa by the throat and forced the sword out of her hand, simply leaving it stuck into the hole. It adjusted the axe in its other hand and prepared to swing and deal a decisive blow. Iarzu let out a screaming roar, so much it shook the ground. The thing turned its head, turning it to the side, as Iarzu ran full speed at the beast, The wolf it sat upon, turned, only to be lifted up by the neck from iarzu. Ka;ora jumped off of him at the sametime, slashing at his arm and cutting it, catching the falling Flurissa, Ka'ora planted her sword spear into the ground and spun, using their momentum to swing them around and kick the thing into the wolf it was mounted on while Iarzu lifted it up onto two legs. The wolf swung wildly with its paws, slashing at Iarzu and clawiing his face, making the bear wince. Ka'ora took her spearsword and shoved it into the beast, pinning the two into the ground. Jumping off, she aimed her hand at the sky, firing lightning into the sky and saying a blessing, before running and jumping on Iarzu. Quickly they ran away as a enormus strike of lightning landed where the spear was. Looking back, only her spear was in the ground, the thing suddenly gone. Seeing the strike of lightning, Eurika quickly ran towards it. Then she saw it and she froze. In the distance, a lurking shadow was menacingly walking towards her. Running the opposite direction, she started screaming for Ka'ora and Flurissa. The thing gave out another shriek, and bolted after her, the being ontop seeming to let out a gut wretching laugh. Flurissa looked to Ka'ora, relieved for just a moment before hearing Eurika screaming for them. She knew it could just be a trick, whatever this thing was was much more intelligent than anything the stories spoke of. It was treating them like toys. Before Ka'ora could even react Flurissa took off at a speed she wasn't even sure she was capable of. The magic surrounding her rustling every tree she passed, with a shout she passed Eurika and continued her lunge to strike the creature with everything she had. The grass around the monster was ripped up by the resulting whirlwind as she continued to drive into its chest. Her markings glowing brightly, the wind focused into what would appear to be a small tornado concentrated directly on top of their location. For just a moment, it seemed like the attack had a fairly profound impact, until the monster's eyes glowed and a whirlwind with a counter rotation canceled Flurissa's magic. and left her defenseless. With a mighty backswing, electricity formed at the blade of its hulking axe. With a swathe of blood, Flurissa was launched into a tree. She spasmed uncontrollably for a moment before struggling to stand. Barely glancing downward, she spotted where the axe had struck her. The deep gash from her left shoulder to her right hip was all it took to put her back kneeling as the pain washed over her. The wolfwarrior bounding towards her, its blade dragging behind it through the ground. Raising it high, it sent the axe flying downwards, a trail of lightning following it. Not even thinking about it, Eurika suddenly appeared next to the bleeding out Flurissa. Pushing her ouf ot the way as the axe came down and an enormus arc of lightning shot up as it not only struck Eurika, but the tree behind her as well. The smoke cleared, the monster pulling its axe away and swinging it to clean, a audiable splatter painting the ground. In its wake, the tree had been cut clean down the middle, at the bottom...lay Eurika cut clean in half. Ka'ora rushing onto the scene, she glanced to see Flurissa on the floor, cowering from pain and blood pouring out of her. Her eyes desperately scanned for Eurika, knowing she was somewhere. Then her eyes fell on the tree, where the beast stood, staring at the girl cut in half. It went to let out another screech, only to have a glowing Ka'ora standing on top of the wolf and infront of him suddenly. She swung her first at its chest with all her rage, it connecting and sending huge burning arcs through the thing and out its back, striking and lighting the forest on fire. It fell back, seemingly knocked out, as the wolf shook to get her off. The thing quickly rose back up, the color in Ka'ora's skin draining. Grabbing her by the neck, it screeched in her face, and proceeded to run with Ka'ora dragging against the ground. Taking her by her hair and slaming her over and over, before tossing her up and batting her with the back of the head of the axe, sending her through tree's. Iarzu jumped to catch her and stop her projectory. Then just as Ka'ora did, the thing appeared behind Iarzu, raising his axe once more and sending it down with the same magic that killed Eurika. Splitting open the back of Iarzu, the familiar puffed out of existance, leaving a tatered Ka'ora struggling to even get to her knees. Taking her once again, he drug her by her hair over to Flurissa, pulling her up and looking at Flurissa. Taking its bone hand, it reached towards Ka'ora's face, watching Flurissa's reactions as her wife had her eye pulled from her head. Dropping her, Ka'ora screamed in pain, covering her eye as she looked on in horror. The thing went over to Eurika's remains, pulling an eye out of of the left half of her body. Turning back, it went over to Ka'ora, standing over her. Raising it's axe, Ka'ora weakly lifted her hand towards Flurissa, her life memories starting to flood back into her mind. Flurissa could barely even register what was going on anymore. Between watching her adopted daughter being split in half after saving her...saving her when she had what was already likely to be a fatal wound. All she could do was look Ka'ora in the eye, desperately trying to find the strength to save her. In a moment of clarity and adrenaline, she pushed herself forward enough to embrace Ka'ora one final time. She forced every bit of mana she had left into Gust, begging her to save Ka'ora and get the only two people she had left to safety, she managed a final 'I love you' before vomiting blood and launching the injured Ka'ora back towards the wall with Gust keeping her aloft until they reached the area Ethan was just beginning to stir. Seeing the creature's frustration at the loss of its prey, she mustered a slight grin as the light finally drained from her eyes. Ethan came to, a desperate wind familiar ushering him to get up. The first thing he saw was Ka'ora, barely alive. Without any other thought, he picked her up and pulled her back towards the closest gate. He desparately looked for Flurissa and Eurika, figuring they had to have already made it back. Ka'ora would have been the type to stay back and fight while they ran, so they had to be okay. As soon as he made it to the gate, he heard a sick thump as something landed by his feet. The dread he felt as he looked down was almost too much, but the sight...Flurissa's severed and eyeless head sent him over the edge as he lost consciousness. Thankfully, the pair was dragged into the gate and given treatment immediately. Ka'ora never really was the same after that, she was changed forever and it wouldn't be changed until she killed what they now classify as a "Hunter" a being of power that hunts them down for the god magic they hold. She moved with Ethan from their home and built a home on the wall, she couldn't bare to be in the same home that Flurissa and Eurika had lived. She found herself crying in private, and going to Ethan to simply just hug him, without much explination but it was pretty easy to figure out what she was going through. Things were different now, she had gained back her full power, it no longer being split with another chosen, and vice versa the same followed for Ethan. She now made her job, to train him harder then he trained before, they were going to kill that thing, Storm Reaver, and they were going to make sure it felt their rage. After the events that day, Ethan became much more reclusive. The only person he really spoke to for years was Ka'ora, and even then it was much less than he used to. He broke down regularly, focussing everything he had into training. He completely discarded Flurissa's fighting style to distance himself from anything that could trigger those memories. Instead he taught himself to compress his magic to the point of it being volatile. Essentially he creates bombs using wind. As much as he wants the monster that killed his adopted mother and sister dead, he's more concerned with Ka'ora's safety. As things stand, she's all he has left, and he won't lose her. [/hider] [b][u][color=FF1F00]Theme:[/color][/u][/b] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TVI7S6zKiBM [u][b]Dialogue Color:[/b][/u] [color=FF1F00]Red[/color] [b][u][color=FF1F00]Other:[/color][/u][/b] -She is one of the remaining Last Generation Chosen to still be living, let alone have her full power, so by just statistical terms, shes currently one of the strongest chosen. -She has about 26 years of training and experience as a chosen, making her one of the longest fully running Chosen on record, and she is the oldest fully active Lighting Chosen to date. -With the loss of half her family, she now holds those closest to her extremely close and takes her job beyond seriously, she is waiting for the moment the Storm Reaver shows its face to her again. -It is also confirmed, she is a part of a small group to ever encounter a hunter and walk away with her life, walking being subjective... [/hider][/center]