[center][img]https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/tNgd1hbcyHH4Y44gWpVoT0UNKk2nsnJ5JvsdQaCH7u8/http/txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjg4LmQ2MDAxMS5SV1JwZEdnLC4w/nosifer.regular.png[/img][/center] [color=ed1c24]"Ooooo, blood bags are fun! Dad used to have a bunch of them, but they... nevermind"[/color] Edith's smile vanishes for a moment as she relives some of her past memories, but all that is once again pushed down and forgotten about soon after as the blood bags arrive. Poking one of the bags with her figure until it pops Edith quickly assumes control of the blood contained, followed by that of a second and third bag until, she has a sizable orb of blood at her disposal. [color=ed1c24][i]'What should I make... probably something cool, that'll make the others like me... what do the others like, blood? I have lots of that...'[/i][/color] Edith idly makes the blood swirl in a vortex around her as she tries to think of what to make using her powers, occasionally adding more blood to her pool or creating and dissolving a shape. [color=ed1c24][i]'Knives? No... Food? No... A scythe? No... A scarily realistic instrument of torture... No.'[/i][/color] Eventually Edith gives up on trying to create something and instead decides that she'll just play around with the blood for a while and then maybe see what the others are up to. Spinning around Edith begins to make the blood spin faster around her, forming into ribbons and patterns, in what is surprisingly almost as beautiful as it is terrifying. Edith laughs as she plays, not unlike a child, a fact made just a little unnerving by the fact that she is covered in a literal blood bath at this point in time.