[@BladeSS4] First person to submit a sheet. I know it has taken some time, but don't think the interest isn't greatly appreciated. I have gone over Zero and the overall idea behind him. Based on what we know about Frieza, I'm hard pressed to believe that he would allow anyone to utilize his "noble DNA" to create a clone. After all there is only one Lord Frieza. He has such a big ego. And even if he did, he would likely destroy it if viewed as a failure. I do submit that he could be considered as another Clansman, much like Glaceo, but I can't accept him because of this. [@SpawnMeme]For the most part, I like Callion as a character. However, I cannot accept him. This is because, and keep in mind it is not your fault, the history and age wouldn't fit. I've been adding notes to the Discord. As per the Planet Vegeta notice I entered (and recently edited) Planet Vegeta has been gone for 22 years. Keep in mind I did say early on, more than once, that Vegeta was indeed gone. I simply moved back it's execution date a bit. So, because of this, I cannot accept him. His history and age, the main factors, would not work here. You'll still have time to make changes or reapply if you wish moving forward. Apologies. [@Fabricant451]Rutaba, much like Callion is a Saiyan character I like. I feel like it's interesting that even though none of our characters are cookie cutter Saiyans, they aren't the same as each other either. Though mine has a bit more pride as a Saiyan and like fighting more than Rutaba or Callion. Still, the same issue here is the timeline. It's again, neither of your faults, this was something I'd missed adding here, though it is on the discord and I'm sure I've discussed it more than once. It's still possible she could have had many of the same, or at least similar experiences with slight tweaks. Also, the idea of the hair, according to Vegeta the Saiyan Hair doesn't change from birth, although Toriyama did mess up a bit on this with Young Vegeta's look. And the Saiyan males at least grow facial hair [i]very[/i] slowly. Still, I don't mind a small retcon on this notion for females if nothing else lol I'd like the Saiyans to keep in mind that this is not flat out denial. I would gladly accept both provided the histories were reworked and I'd even be willing to help with that if possible. [@Archmage MC]I want to accept Light. The only issue I'm having right now actually isn't the Void Slip, but the draining touch. Is it any tough? Is she essentially a lot like Rogue from the X-men? What are it's limits? I need this a bit more defined before I can accept as it's my only really problem. [@CaptainSully]I think Sully is really cool, and interesting as a character. He's motivated, and I can see him as a strong opponent and someone who'd need to overcome their own biases and possible weaknesses. He's accepted so you can move him to the Character tab, but we'll need to add that power level sooner than later. [@Double]I've no reason not to accept Glaceo. I think he's a great character and I've always loved the idea of an Arcosian who isn't a Frieza carbon copy or just "playing" nice. Regardless, move him to the character tab. [@Gisk]She's accepted, move to the character tab. I feel like I should have more to say, but honestly, this was just a good character, well balanced for the RP even if still powerful. I'm interesting in all the characters so far honestly. [@AtomicNut]Hah... He's gonna be a fun one to read. Throw him in the Character tab. But not too hard. Don't wanna break him or the tab. [@GingerBoi123]So, here is my thing with Tora. He's very clearly tailors for Earth, even if you changed him to be a Balsora native. Understand, this is again, not your fault as is the point with the Saiyans. It's my fault for not giving more specifics to the planets prior to character creation. Even so, I'll explain a bit now. Balsora isn't a world in which his history and who he is and how he has learned to fight and what not fits. I'll be adding information to the zero post for everyone to see, even if it's not the most detailed. Sorry, I cannot accept him as is. [@Weird Tales]I can't not accept him. He's pretty interesting, and somebody who wants a harem just endears him to me cause I love Issei in HS DxD. Buuuuuuuut, he has no history. What's up with that?? Can't say come to the game, if you haven't finished the character. [@rocketrobie2]He's accepted. He's dope. Vilgax is a great villain. Funny not seeing the look as evil. He could be cool. Move him to the character tab. We gotta get all the low power levels UP!!