[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/bwwVNaI.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/p4NEmoz.png[/img] [h3][b]"Before you realise i'm here it's already too late..."[/b][/h3] [hider=Themes][b]Character Theme[/b] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IbP7lZji3ho[/youtube] [b]Fight Theme[/b] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B_CsijQsYY4[/youtube] [b]Boss Theme[/b] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xFBmSTFQ9rg[/youtube][/hider][/center] [sub][b][color=bc8dbf]NAME[/color][/b][/sub][hr][indent] The Harlequin a.k.a Sully [/indent] [sub][b][color=bc8dbf]AGE[/color][/b][/sub][hr][indent] 28 Earth Years [/indent] [sub][b][color=bc8dbf]GENDER[/color][/b][/sub][hr][indent] Male [/indent] [sub][b][color=bc8dbf]APPEARANCE[/color][/b][/sub][hr][indent] Sully stands at a lean 6'1", his limbs long and muscles toned causing him to weigh in at 185lbs. Behind his mask is a face of sharp features, a long nose and pointed chin. His eyes are a deep blue with his skin a pale grey. He has long, white, flowing hair that is hidden beneath the hood of his attire. His aura is a mixture of purple and blue, the two colours fading in and out as it dances around his form. Random flares of colour emit from his ki, the frequency increasing the more he charges his power. His ki blasts are equally colourful whether in blast or beam form. [center][hider=Unmasked Portrait][img]https://i.imgur.com/i8sT2TW.png[/img][/hider][/center] [/indent] [sub][b][color=bc8dbf]RACE/ORIGIN[/color][/b][/sub][hr][indent] [b]Alterrans[/b] Sully is part of the Alterran race, a humanoid race defined by their pale complexion and pointed ears. They were primarily a peaceful race until Frieza's forces invaded. There had been no major conflicts on the Alterran homeworld for several hundred years, weaponry and other combat based technology becoming outdated compared to the rest of the universe. Aside from the royal honour guard only small pockets of people studied ancient martial arts, but none had an affinity for manipulating ki. Upon the invasion of Frieza's forces, the Alterrans lackluster defences were quickly overwhelmed. However, after seeing the invaders using ki to inflict death and destruction, the survivors of the initial invasion began to try and develop the ability themselves. There were ancient myths about people capable of such abilities, but the showing from the invaders who were made up of many races showed the myths were in fact true. It didn't take long before the first Alterran was able to manipulate their ki and within a week the majority of the remaining fighting forces were capable of the feat. At this point the potential within the defenders developed and people began to master the art of ki manipulation. The Alterrans put up a hearty fight over the two years that followed before Frieza, tired of his forces inability to claim the planet, wiped their homeworld from existence. Several hundred people managed to escape into space, some fortunate to find refuge on other worlds, those not so lucky left drifting into the blackness of space. [b]Details[/b] Genders: Male and Female Race Specifics: All Alterrans have a pale grey skin tone with hair and skin colour ranging across the entire natural light spectrum Religion: Atheism Government: Benevolent Monarchy - Now defunct due to planetary destruction Social Ideals: Share with your neighbour [b]Averages[/b] Lifespan: 150 Earth Years Height: 5'8" Weight: 165lbs [/indent] [sub][b][color=bc8dbf]POWER LEVEL[/color][/b][/sub][hr][indent] 95,000 [/indent] [sub][b][color=bc8dbf]PSYCHOLOGY[/color][/b][/sub][hr][indent] He is very caring when it comes to those around him whether a stranger or someone he knows. He lives to his means and whatever is left he often shares with those less fortunate. He treats people with respect and will often give a fair warning to anyone who tries to fight him. He is an honourable fighter and his word is his bond. If he says he will do something or takes an oath, then he will see it out to its end. He doesn't let failure bother him because he knows that he is only capable of doing so much, sometimes situations are simply out of your hands. The lone failure that continues to eat away at him is his inability to protect his planet from destruction. This negativity gives Sully a very distrustful and almost hateful view against people belonging to Frieza's race. He knows that realistically not every person of Frieza's race will be evil but his distorted view is driven by an ever growing hatred towards Frieza. [/indent] [sub][b][color=bc8dbf]HISTORY[/color][/b][/sub][hr][indent] Sully was born into a high born family and never wanted for anything right up until the invasion by Frieza's forces. While others experiencing a life of luxury from an early age would have grown up spoilt, Sully stuck to the ideals of his King, sharing what he was given with those less fortunate. He spent much of his time growing up helping those who were in need, usually the elderly who found it difficult to look after themselves. His long term goal was to become a member of the royal honour guard and with his families position, he was well placed to do so. As soon as he could walk he began his training in the liquid arts, a type of ancient martial art that followed the principles of water. He was quick to master it and so by time his opportunity game to join the royal honour guard, he was accepted with ease. The position itself was mostly ceremonial but should a war break out, they would be the last line of defence to the king. When Frieza's forces invaded, Sully was named The Harlequin, a title bestowed upon the head of the kings most trusted defender. His job was to stay by the kings side and protect him at all costs. After the initial invasion the king was moved to a safehouse with Sully in tow. There the king remained until news of the first Alterran ki users emerged. The king soon decreed that anyone able to fight should be shown how to develop the ability. Within the following week Sully and the king were shown how to manipulate their ki, the king and Sully being clear naturals. With all able bodied fighters trained the king started a guerilla campaign against Frieza's forces. The damage inflicted by them repelled the invaders and meant that within 12 Earth months they had almost regained the entirety of their planet back. Unfortunately this resilience led to their ultimate downfall as Frieza himself was alerted to his forces backtracking. He single handedly destroyed the Alterran homeworld without any warning. Luckily for Sully and several hundred others, Frieza's arrival was picked up by scouts. The order for all Alterrans to abandon the planet immediately meant that shuttles were boarded as quickly as possible. Sully hurried the king to his private shuttle, the pair boarding with the kings family. Shuttles began to take off in every direction but such a mass exodus made it easy to pick off shuttles with minimal effort. Frieza's forces picked off the shuttles as they left the planets atmosphere, the explosions not distracting Frieza as he charged up a giant ball of energy. The ball impacted the planet with thunderous force and almost instantly caused it to explode into a fiery ball. Sully's shuttle was hit by a shockwave from the explosion which knocked out the navigation systems. As days passed, hunger and frustration set in as they past planet after planet, unable to navigate their way onto them. After a week luck finally set in and the shuttle was lined up perfectly to land on a planet only known to the Alterrans as XV051, but to it's inhabitants it was called Balsora. The luck of those on board soon vanished as their lack of navigation system meant that they were at the will of the shuttle as to how they would land. As the shuttle pierced the atmosphere it began to spiral and continued to do so, albeit at a slight gradient. With the ground approaching, the shuttle began to clip the tops of trees in a thick forest before eventually disappearing beneath the canopy. When the ship finally came to a stop it had broken into several sections, Sully finding himself in one with his arm and leg severely broken. As he unclipped himself he opted to fly over walking, avoiding putting any pressure on his damaged leg. He frantically scanned his surrounding for his king, moving from section to section with no sign of him or his family. The final section he came across was engulfed in a raging inferno, sending the trees in it's immediate vicinity to ignite. The knowledge of his kings death and the extent of his injuries slowly caused the world around him to spin, he hit the floor with a thud before blacking out. When he came around he was surrounded by the native people of Planet Balsora in what he imagined was a prison. His wounds were healed and his attire returned but at the expense of lengthy questioning. Over the following days Sully explained what had happened to the Alterrans and their homeworld. After the people of Balsora could confirm his story, he was granted asylum and in return was absorbed into the planetary defence force. Over the years that followed Sully retained the title of The Harlequin, albeit ceremonial in nature. He mastered his manipulation of ki, learning some attacks native to Balsora while also creating some that complemented his liquid art fighting style. In addition his power in general increased, soaring above all but the most powerful on Balsora. He still serves on the planetary defence force and acts as a first responder to any potential threats. [/indent] [sub][b][color=bc8dbf]ASPECTS[/color][/b][/sub][hr][indent] [b][color=bc8dbf]Eternal Stamina:[/color][/b] A trait of the Alterran people is their enhanced stamina, able to run and fight at full pelt for longer than all known races, even Saiyan's. This stamina is fuelled by a hearty apetite. [b][color=bc8dbf]Concentrated Ki:[/color][/b] Sully has mastered his ki manipulation abilities and as such can concentrate his power much tighter than most. A baseball sized ki blast fired by Sully is equally as powerful as a basketball sized blast fired from someone else. This deceptiveness allows unprepared opponents to be quickly overwhelmed as the surpise power of each small blast takes them by surprise. [b][color=bc8dbf]The Chosen One:[/color][/b] Myths made up a large part of Alterran culture, at times making it difficult to differentiate between what was actual history and what was fabrication. One myth that has historical significance is what is referred to as The Chosen One. An excerpt from a one thousand year old text reads: [i]"And so it came to pass, Aldred cried to the stars at the loss of his beloved wife to his brother. His skin cracked and power erupted from the opening chasms in his flesh. A blinding light followed, causing his brother to recoil. As he cast his gaze back at his brother, the very air around Aldred contorted from the sheer level of power within his body. Aldred looked nothing like his former self but his voice certainly stayed the same. He hurled barbed words at his brother before reducing him to ash with a blast of blinding energy."[/i] The belief is that the myth is true and that with enough training and emotional reinforcement, that an Alterran can ascened to another plane of power. [/indent] [sub][b][color=bc8dbf]SPECIALIZATION[/color][/b][/sub][hr][indent] [b][color=bc8dbf]Liquid Arts:[/color][/b] Sully fights with a style that is based around free flowing movement, much in the way that water moves. Attacks form into each other seamlessly giving an almost peristant attack. He knows how to put his body into a position that makes him hardest to hit, while being able to hit with a tidal wave of his own power. [list][*][b][color=bc8dbf]Tsunami Barrage:[/color][/b] Tsunami barrage is all about aggressive attack. Sully moves at such speed, it appears to his opponant as if punches and kicks are coming from every direction. [*][b][color=bc8dbf]Rough Sea Crash:[/color][/b] An attack developed by Sully after learning to manipulate ki. While unloading a barrage of punches and kicks, his limbs become enveloped in ever brighting levels of ki. When ready he unleashes all the power into a final punch of kick to inflict severe damage. [*][b][color=bc8dbf]Star Crash:[/color][/b] This technique combines with Sully's ability to compress ki to create a devastatingly effective attack. He readies himself and begins to unleash balls of compressed ki into the air. The balls remain in the sky giving the effect of stars thanks to the alternating colours of Sully's ki. When he has finished filling the sky with his stars he can leave them there for several minutes before they dissipate. To unleash the stars he fires several larger blasts which the stars home onto, striking whatever target they hit. He can fire one larger blast or several, depending on how many enemies he is fighting. A single enemy will take significantly more damage than several. [*][b][color=bc8dbf]Sharks Tooth:[/color][/b] Sully creates a disc of ki that is sharp enough to cut through solid stone and steel, making it very dangerous. While dangerous upon impact, it takes several moments to charge and requires complete concentration to maintain, meaning that Sully is exposed. [*][b][color=bc8dbf]Grand Ocean Leviathan:[/color][/b] Sully motions his arms outstretched from his side and begins to charge balls of ki in his hands. He moves his arms in a motion with one going high and the other low as his body turns 90 degrees towards his opponent. As this goes on the balls continue to grow. When his hands reach a point where a straight line can be drawn from ki ball to ki ball at a 90 degree angle to the floor, Sully slams the two balls together with massive force. A massive beam of energy flies towards his opponent at a barreling pace. The attack is capable of disintegrating matter, however not even the Alterran stamina can survive it's use. Even if Sully stays conscious, his body will be wracked with exhaustion making him all but useless until he is able to rest. Charging the attack can take time and the beam is also very difficult to maneuver, it truly is a last resort attack. It is capable of destroying an opponent up to two times Sully's own power level. It can be used at a more basic level to conserve ki but will only be able to wipe out weaker opponents.[/list] [b][color=bc8dbf]The Harlequins Circus:[/color][/b] Even though Sully had been trained in the ancient Liquid Arts, his skillset does not stop there. The clothes of the Harlequin are an ancient and almost eternal product of magic and technology long forgotten. While they provide absolute protection against dismemberment, cuts and stab wounds, they also pass the knowledge of an long forgotten style of fighting. The Circus as it called in short is made up of several techniques referred to as dances. The art itself is all about misdirection and generally frustrating an opponent by making them miss while hitting them successfully each time. As with the Liquid Arts, the initial techniques were based on users who could not fully manipulate Ki but Sully has since adapted and modified certain ones to make use of his Ki. [list][*][b][color=bc8dbf]Dance of Light:[/color][/b] The movement of the user gives the impression that they are fading in and out of existence, being in one place for a moment before disappearing and appearing in another. Attacks appearing like they are going to connect hit nothing but thin air as the user appears several feet to the side. It is a very difficult and frustrating technique to go up against due to persistant misses. Skilled and intelligent fighters are capable of spotting patterns to counter the ability. The magic of the Harlequin attire takes the users out of their current realm for a brief moment before having them reappear close by. Offensive aspects of this technique are to disable the opponent with strikes to key joints and nerves. [*][b][color=bc8dbf]Dance of Darkness:[/color][/b] This technique is used best against groups of enemies as it is abount constant movement, hitting a target and moving onto the next before they can retaliate. Elbows and knees are a key part of this technique, aiming to open cuts and wounds on opponents faces to restrict vision. [*][b][color=bc8dbf]Dance of the Twins:[/color][/b] This technique makes it appear as if Sully has split into two separate entities. In reality there is only one real Sully, but while there is a 50:50 change of hitting him, it is significantly more difficult. The twin is Sully in every way albeit it incapable of inflicting damage and dissipating as soon as he is damaged. He is picked up on scouters in exactly the same way as Sully meaning they are useless in discerning who is who. [*][b][color=bc8dbf]Dance of the Apocalypse:[/color][/b] Much like Sully created the Grand Ocean Leviathan technique, he created the Dance of the Apocalypse. The word dance is used very loosely in the context of this technique while apocalypse is not. Sully stands his ground, planting his feet firmly shoulder width apart. The air around him visibly begins to distort as if reality around him is breaking apart. The sound generated during this time reaches a deafening level before the cracks around Sully engulf him at which point he disappears, leaving total silence. During this time he is in a realm where the Harlequin attire draws it power. There time acts differently, minutes being mere seconds in the normal world. While there Sully focusses what ki he can spare into his fist. After he has finished he charges forward as fast as he can, breaking back through to the normal world directly at his enemy. When he approaches his opponant the ki around his fist erupts around him leaving a trail much like a beam attack. The front of the ki wave takes the sharpe of a smiling face, matching the resting face of his mask. Upon impact the punch is capable of punching through whatever it hits, leaving a gaping hole in larger opponents or totally wiping out smaller ones. [/list] [/indent] [sub][b][color=bc8dbf]EQUIPMENT[/color][/b][/sub][hr][indent] [b][color=bc8dbf]Mask of the Harlequin:[/color][/b] Created from a rare ancient mineral and bound with advanced technology and magic, the mask is indestructible. It moulds to the face of the person wearing it, effectively becoming a second skin. The mask moves with the wearers face, sharing expressions and moving with each word spoken. While the mask itself is indestructible, the wearers face beneath is afforded no more protection than a sheet of paper would provide. It allows it's wearer to view the world across different spectrums, making it useful against threats of an exotic nature. This includes but is not limited to thermal vision, night vision and such. The magic infused to the mask makes it very difficult to take control of the wearers mind through other forms of magic. In addition, the mask can only be removed if the wearer is willing to do so. Anyone attempting to wear the mask who isn't the current Harlequin will find their brain leaking from their nose, becoming nothing more than a dribbling shell of a person. [b][color=bc8dbf]Robes of the Harlequin:[/color][/b] Created from the same material as the mask means the robes are indestructible. They fit tight to the body of their wearer, again, acting as a second skin. The colours of the robes alter and change randomly for no reason that Sully can discern. The materials indestructible nature means that the robes are impervious to damage. Projectile and bladed attacks will not cause puncture or slash wounds to the wearer if hit on the robes, but the impact of such attacks will be felt at full force. The robes effectively prevent cuts, slashes and dismemberment but provide absolutely no protection from the impact of any attack, heat or ki energy. [/indent] [sub][b][color=bc8dbf]RELATIONSHIPS[/color][/b][/sub][hr][indent] [b][color=bc8dbf]Galactic Frieza Army[/color] | [color=ed1c24]Enemy[/color][/b] As anyone likely would be, Sully is entirely resistant to invaders and as such has a hatred towards Frieza, his army and anyone assosciated with him. [b][color=bc8dbf]Planetary Defence Force[/color] | [color=39b54a]Friendly[/color][/b] As a key member of the Balsoran Planetary Defence Force, Sully stands at the forefront of the FRU (First Responders Unit). As one of the most capable and powerful fighters available to the Balsorans, he is heavily relied on to help repel and enemy forces. [b][color=bc8dbf]Aurelia[/color] | [color=39b54a]Friendly[/color][/b][hider=Appearance][img]http://i.giphy.com/xT1XH2Yap7HT7j9QZy.gif[/img][/hider] As part of the defence force she is responsible for assessing people while using the Balsoran training rooms. She and Sully have grown close since he started using the rooms several years ago. [/indent][hr] [hider=CS Update Log] [sub][b][color=bc8dbf]CS Updates[/color][/b][/sub][hr][indent] [hider=27/02/2018][b][color=bc8dbf]27/02/2018:[/color][/b] [list][*]Added Aurelia relationship. [/list][/hider] [hider=22/02/2018][b][color=bc8dbf]22/02/2018:[/color][/b] [list][*]Added PL and expanded on Techniques. [*]Changed wording of Eternal Stamina [*]Removed Mirror Form [*]Added Star Crash [*]Added Sharks Tooth [*]Added The Harlequins Circus and all subsequent techniques [*]Adjusted Mask of the Harlequin description [*]Added Rebel Forces relationship [/list][/hider][/indent][/hider]