Meesei gave a brief look over Sabine's clothes. "Ultimately you should wear what you like, but I would recommend something aside from an old dress. I would say something that would make you feel like you could be a hero. Something that could make you feel like an accomplished hunter or powerful mage. Perhaps something that goes well with your necklace? In any case, I think we can find something that can help you look the part of a hero." After taking some time for Sabine to prepare, the pair stopped by the vault to retrieve the staff, then headed out to the location of the day's feast. They had selected a clearing outside the city, though not far from the walls. The fact that they had to accommodate the majority of the clan meant that they had gathered enough tables, chairs, and other furniture outside to fill a ballroom. They had a mix of the wooden furniture the clan had built themselves, and some of the original Dwemer stone tables and chairs that were not physically built into the floor in the city. The table for Meesei, her pack, and the council was at the most elevated point in the clearing to make it easier for the rest of the clan to see them when it was time to make their announcements. The majority of the clan was still in the city, as it was not quite time for the feast. The only ones who were present at the moment were the higher-ranking members of the clan, important guests, and those who were actually setting up the feast. As such, the clearing was far from crowded, and it was easy for those who were there to see Meesei and Sabine approaching from the city. For the Champion's pack, many faces from the ranking members of Tamriel's clans were familiar. They had traveled Tamriel and met most of the leaders at least once through the years, through there was one face they had not seen for quite some time. Just as they were reaching the clearing, Meesei and Sabine were greeted by a black-furred Khajiit carrying a warm smile on his face. His clothing was colorful and distinctly Khajiit in style, though perhaps with more trophies made from bone, and some feathers. Ra'kalesh, or rather, Ri'kalesh as he was known now, had taken over the former Senchal clan after Ri'nakhad stepped down due to his ailing health. He was the leader of what was now the Torval clan, and with the destruction of the Orcrest clan, his clan was now their only presence within Elsweyr. "Champion, Sabine, it has been too long, hasn't it? This one is glad that our reunion seems to be under good circumstances." He greeted, offering his hand for a handshake.