[@ScreenAcne] Just finished this guy - anything need to be changed? [hider=Kozo] [b]Name:[/b] Kozo [b]Essential - N[/b] [hider=Appearance] [img]https://img00.deviantart.net/be9a/i/2013/295/2/6/fairy_lion_by_aaronmiller-d6rgkai.jpg[/img] Standing at only 3 feet tall and weighing 20 pounds, Kozo is the furthest thing possible from an imposing figure. His voice, high pitched like a child, in combination with his fuzzy appearance is exactly like his personality - soft and lovable. He is very cute looking, and keeps himself as clean as possible. His fur is softer than down pillows, and he has two antennae that serve little purpose other than aesthetics. His tail is prehensile, his wings are capable of carrying twice his body weight and carry him at a speed of 30 MPH. Nothing about Kozo is dangerous - even his teeth, a far cry from the mighty teeth of a lion that they are based on. They are unable to pierce human skin, and can only tear strips of food and chew. [/hider] [b]Personality:[/b] Kozo can be extremely lovable and kind to some people, and the most annoying creature to ever exist to others - it depends on who you ask. He always treats people with love and respect, even if they are clearly undeserving. Kozo loves nearly everything that exists - in fact, he answers statements and questions with comments like "Kozo Loves _____". Other than this, his hobbies include lounging about, playing with others, cuddling, and healing anyone he comes across. Kozo talks in the third person. Despite his kind nature and disposition, he is essentially a child mentally. He isn't necessarily dumb, but he is innocent to most things, and is generally poor at handling uncomfortable situations - For example, if someone lost a relative, Kozo would offer them candy and play time, rather than allowing them to grieve and have alone time. Additionally, Kozo refuses to harm another living creature - he'll eat food that from an animal that was already killed, but if it is within his power, he'll do his best to stop people from fighting. This extends not only to animals and mortals, but from plants all the way to other gods. The only time that Kozo ever gets angry is when gods hurt mortals - he thinks it is horrible that beings with so much power would pick on nice people. He is easy to scare, especially by monsters, the dark, and violence. Surprisingly, he is not scared of bugs or massive predators. [hider=Power List] Love! - Kozo is capable of healing other beings. Anything from plants to gods, Kozo can heal them with the power of Love! Obviously, it cannot heal nonliving things, so broken objects are unable to be repaired with this power. (3 Points) Kozo Love Nature! - Kozo possesses an intense bond with animals of the world, particularly cats and insects. With this bond, he is able to speak and control animals. This power, however, only effects non-sentient animals, and as such, most mortals are immune to it, as are all gods. (1 Point) [/hider] [b]Stats[/b] [u][b]Mortal Affairs:[/b][/u] 5 [u][b]Influence:[/b][/u] 2 [u][b]Power:[/b][/u] 3 [b]Perks[/b] Empty (For now). [hider=Relations] The Mother: "Mother scare Kozo! Her Munstah's very scary! Still... As long as she nice to the Mortals, Kozo still love... She could be nicer though..." (Doesn't know she is willing to feed mortals to her monsters) Kingsmaker/MerlĂ­: He's like the Mortals! Yay! Kozo loves Mortals! MerlĂ­ even give them magics - He very nice! Zhystkrexas: ...Kozo no like very much. [/hider] [/hider] Edit: Whoops, sorry about that. Fixed the problems rush pointed out