[b]Corrupted Veins [/b] [i]“A man swiftly moves through the underbrush, making almost no sound. He raises his head out of the scrub for a moment and inhales deeply, sensing his prize was near. He again lowers himself down into the dirt, crawling forward until he reaches what appears to be a small pond. Noxious, blue fumes permeated the area and the man drew forward to stand next to it. He hesitated for a moment and then dunked his hand into the liquid. Letting out a cry of shock, he fell backward as his body was racked with pain. Slowly recovering he stared at what was once his hand. The skin had been shredded off, and he could see the veins across his arm grow a bright blue. With a grin he pointed towards the “water” in the pond with his rotted hand, and watched as it began to bend to his newfound power. Suddenly, a horn blasted from a distance away. The man jumped up and fled. It was forbidden for everyone but the Aquadon tribe to hold the sacred power of the water corruption.” [/i] this RP will take place in the land of Evo, set 1 million years after the nuclear war that wiped civilization off the earth. It seemed like all life on earth would perish, but slowly the land and people began to adapt. The radiation bound itself to the elements and other chemicals, creating entirely new substances with entirely new effects. The few people left on the earth experimented with these new powers and slowly, civilization was being reborn. You will be a tribe member in one of several different tribes, all who worship or hoard a particular type of corruption or radiation. These tribes war continually war over new elements or in some cases destroy them, believing their chemical to be superiorThe quirk of this RP will be that throughout you will get opportunities to continually experiment with new, undocumented mutations which can help or harm you, often times both. Character sheet: Name: (obvious) Appearance: (1 paragraph or less) Clan: (choose from one of the pre established tribes, or make your own (see "making a clan")) Current mutations: (mutations or corruptions your character currently has, this will be updated throughout the RP) Equipment: (anything your character has on them) Personality: ( fairly descriptive on your characters psych, minimum 1 paragraph) Backstory: (be detailed, minimum 2 paragraphs. Explain what drove you to leave your clan, be it religious crusade or an outcast) Current clans: (basic descriptions of some clans I thought of, if any seem interesting feel free to expand on their backstory as you see fit! Points for creativity.) Uranox: obsessed with all manner of the deadliest and grossest diseases, these War bands rove Evo savagely attacking and absorbing any who does not fall under their banner. They worship their Godchief Plutonius, who is said to be infected with so many diseases that even standing near him can cause your flesh to rot and decay. Recently the raids have begun to stop, but many prophesize the coming of a terrible union. The Cobalt: having embraced a medieval lifestyle, this clan makes up a very large part of Evo's north. They hold all radiation as divine, and most commoners refer to it as magic. Every time a new element or disease is discovered, the Cobalt Templars are quick to claim it for themselves eager for any advantage against the feral tribes. They are ambitious, but arrogant thinking themselves to be above all others who call Evo home. Hydrogg: a fairly large clan settled in the very middle of Evo, they are extremely accepting and fair to all residents. Ruled by the warrior queen Oxene, people of all types and followings are accepted within her borders. They are generally peaceful, but the combined elements of many different tribes pose a daunting threat for any who seek her riches. Making a clan: must be based off of one of the elements of the periodic table. Clan sheet: Name: Element affinity:( what is the signature elemental powers of the group?) Numbers: (how large is it?) Allies/enemies:( who seeks to destroy this tribe, and who stand with it and will protect it?) Influence:( how influential is this clan/tribe?) History: (at least 2-3 paragraphs)