[h2]Mordred[/h2] Oh. He was going to fight back. That was fine with her. Smirking, Mordred raised her free hand. As she did, red light traveling from her fingertips up to her shoulder and cladding it in her armor. Placing her hand on the burning, crystalline blade, she gripped it tightly before shoving it aside, her smirk spreading into a vicious grin as she forced the sword down and away. Oh, she could feel the heat from the flames, even through her armor. And it certainly didn't feel [i]good[/i]. But there was no way in hell she was going to let him talk to her like that. Calling her a man just made it worse. "Oh, they didn't tell you my name?" Mordred asked, "Because your luck has run out, now that you've made an enemy of Mordred!" Just as she was about to follow up on that by, ideally, carving his head open, the military girl from before, Minami, ran to their side, waving her hands. "Wait wait! I know you're angry, Mordred, but if we wait too long innocent people could get hurt!" she cried, "I know a brave knight like you couldn't let that happen!" For a few moments, Mordred was silent, still gripping that crystal sword in her hand even as it burned away, still glaring at the man who had insulted her. She wanted to run her sword through that bastard face of his, after beating him down and making him eat his words. But... Minami had a point, didn't she? Whatever was going on down there, if any civilians got involved it would probably be dangerous. They could even be killed. No matter how angry she had become, Mordred couldn't let that happen. "... Tch." Mordred released the sword, allowing red sparks to flow up her body and cover her completely in her armor as she stepped back. "You're lucky I didn't kick your ass anyway," she commented, "Thank [i]her[/i]." The red knight cocked her head briefly towards the private, before turning to face the foul-smelling hole. She paused at the edge, looking back over her shoulder. "Try and order me around and I'll reconsider. Got it?" With that, Mordred hopped into the hole. The armored girl landed with a clank, waving her free hand in a vain attempt to disperse the stench. Had something gone and died down her? It certainly smelled like it. The moth bastard was up ahead, and there was no way she was going to let him try and claim any glory. The rebellious knight swiftly proceeded ahead. [hr] [h2]Vita[/h2] So the rocks Hinanawi had used seemed pretty useless. What were these things, anyway? They were almost like the product of some kind of Lost Logia, except that would have meant that there was a Lost Logia here. That didn't seem to likely. Vita wasn't going to waste any more time thinking about what these things were though. What she knew is they were the enemy, and she knew exactly what to do to enemies. "Eisen!" The armed device answered with an affirmative as it loaded a cartridge with a resounding clank. With that, Vita charged forward, as a pink light erupted beside her and tore through the numbers of the strange technicolor creatures. With a yell, the redheaded girl swiped with her mallet and sent the head slamming into the side of one of the creatures. With a strangely feminine sigh its side crumpled inwards and blackened as it erupted into chunks of ash. Was that the source of the ash they'd found...? Whatever! The next one was sliding along the ground, more like a slug. Vita swung Eisen in an arc downwards, crushing it into the ground and cratering the concrete. Another of the more human ones was sent flying, breaking apart into ash as it hurtled through the air from a strike from her hammer. The next one was smashed into the wall so hard it knocked a hole through it as it broke down. [@Dezuel][@KoL][@PKMNB0Y]