Sevendust blared in Neil's ears as he gave the engine a tuneup, trying to reroute every spare inch of power to the thing he could while cleaning out useless functions to get better output. His goggles were illuminated by the torch of his multi-tool as he worked, a grin on his face. He'd been yearning to work on something mechanical since they'd landed on this primitive world. Oh, he had attempted to rest, but he was at the point where he was so tired sleep wouldn't come, so he decided to make the most of it. While the ladies had gotten somewhat settled in, Neil inhaled a muffin replacement and delved into work. Luckily it was just his muscles that were tired more than his nerves or eyes, and he could tank through that no problem. Time didn't seem a tangible thing until he felt more than heard Sayeeda's voice over the comm. He blinked, taking the eartube out of his ear and the goggles off his eyes to make sure. Once she repeated the order, he set his tools down and was eager to tell her the theoretical good news. He grabbed the door handled and swung out into the hall, before literally bounding into the War room, half excited to tell her, and he could smell the food from the hall. He appeared in the doorway suddenly. "Hey..." he began, and for the first time he realized that he was the only male aboard the ship with the possible exception of Lonney when he had the right accent. Junebug sat straight and confident, exotic and strong. Taya waved and smiled. Quetzalli was elated that he showed up. They all looked at him, and he gave a smile. "So, what is up?" "Hi-lo." Zalli said, giving him a broad smile that spoke volumes. Neil blinked, almost not recognizing her because she wore actual clothes. He pointed at her while he looked to Junebug. "Did she take a nap?" He asked with a smirk, and once his suspicions were confirmed he gave a laugh. "Well, I am glad to have you aboard." He said to her, reaching out to kiss her hand. Her smile grew more pleased, and Neil vaulted over the back of his chair and plopped down, fakon already in his mouth before he realized what he was doing. "Scho fa good newv iv." He began, mouth full. Taya exhaled in a small chuckle, which brought him back to reality. He downed some water and continued. "The good news is, we have a small bit of power. Only...a fraction of what we usually would have in the engine. One of the pylons didn't use all of its juice, and I took out some secondary systems. So if we can somehow find a R.I.P. tide around the planet, I believe we can get out of here...assuming we know what galaxy we're in." [@Penny]