[@GingerBoi123]Porato is pretty solid. It could be a good plot point to explore his own ideals and the contrast between him and Arkos given one had a deeper connection with their home world and people than the other. This is not acceptance, just me saying that it's a solid character and there's nothing inherently bad or change worthy about him. Sorry, you'll need to wait on a decision a bit longer as I said in the guild. [@dabombjk]Arlic is also interesting in his own right, being somewhat like Goku, but not at the same time. His history is also similar to Arkos who will likely be up in the character tab in the next day or so provided I have time to complete him. Still, there's nothing I would change as of now, though like GB you'll need to wait for an answer regarding acceptance. Man, like I said on the Discord you Saiyans are not making this an easy decision. It really is going to take some serious deliberation to make this decision and I hope when it is made you all know I'm try to be as fair and as objective as I can be. I know I said that I would only be accepting up to 2 Saiyan characters apart from my own and I will be sticking too that because I want to avoid over saturation of the race in the roleplay. However, each character is great in his/her own right. So, when [@SpawnMeme] and [@Fabricant451] are able to make their edits, I will review each character again and make a final decision. Hopefully by the end of the weak. [@Typhon]I am still in the process of accepting applications. Keep in mind, as said in the first post of this page, I'm not a first come first serve type [s]at least not anymore[/s]. I'll review any and all character sheets/applications and make my decision on the cast of characters and players based on who I feel will provide interesting plot points and the like. Note: There are currently 4 Saiyan applications with possibly another on the way. Competition is pretty steep there. I'm hoping to make final decisions by the end of this week. Either Sunday or Saturday at the least. To put that in perspective, it it current a little past 3AM, Wednesday morning for me as I write this. If I give a concrete time line, by Saturday night/Sunday morning I want to have the cast list complete and then by Monday/Tuesday, I'll have the first post up and we'll get this show on the rode.