[@Beeve] Are secondary characters allowed? I wouldn't mind making a female demon to try to thin out some of the male population. [hider=CS][center][img]https://orig00.deviantart.net/cdb6/f/2015/064/f/8/shadow_creature_by_tangerineandpuce-d8kkbh5.png[/img] [color=ec008c]Name:[/color] Rueni. [color=ec008c]Nickname:[/color] Rue. [color=ec008c]Age:[/color] 568. [color=ec008c]Gender:[/color] Female. [color=ec008c]Sexual orientation:[/color] Heterosexual. [color=ec008c]Personality:[/color] Vindictive by nature, Rueni is spiteful and nasty. With little regard for the feelings of those around her, she can be hard to befriend. With a penchant for pranks and teasing her fellow demons, she's definitely no one's good friend. She cares very little for her confinement to the house and she will make it increasingly clear to whoever will listen to her. [color=ec008c]Emotion preference:[/color] Fear. [color=ec008c]Extra powers:[/color] Her ability is to manipulate shadows, making them shift about and not much else. [color=ec008c]Things they are easily affected by:[/color] Confined spaces, humans, being pestered, direct sunlight.[/center][/hider] There's my attempt at a female demon.