I was going to wait till Virani had responded on my PM, but I’m just gonna drop precious little O.R.B here. [hider=O.R.B.] [b]Name:[/b] O.R.B (((Enter clever name which I have to think of yet))) [b]Age:[/b] 0.5 [b]Gender:[/b] N/A [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Free Movement] [img]https://img00.deviantart.net/c083/i/2013/050/1/5/random_sci_fi_prop_by_mind_rust-d5vhawn.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Mounted] [img]https://cdna.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/001/659/976/large/dm-fo-herzog-project-conceptual-wearable-orb.jpg?1450301384[/img] [/hider] [b]Profile:[/b] 15 years ago Project Epos was started by the government of Canada. It's goals? To create a fully functional A.I., with the hope that it would be able to solve the issues mankind had failed to solve. The Project was littered with problems from the start: Funding was cut short, resources were limited, security breaches, employees leaving and much more. After a mere two years of existence the project was shut down and the ideas were locked away permanently. The dreams of one person can often be enough to spark inspiration and innovation. This was the case with Doctor Rory Smith, the former project leader of Project Epos. He approached Angelo Robotics, a large private corporation which had been working on robotics and cybernetics for years. They were eager to accept Doctor Rory Smith and his ideas, and soon after Project Epos was revived. This time, a lot more successes were booked. In 13 years, Project Epos managed to produce the worlds first self-thinking A.I, code-named O.R.B.. Now it was time to raise this new 'life'. Tests were run daily, asking him questions about morals and ethics, teaching him to understand humans. As time progressed, the orders from higher up began to change. Battlefield Strategies, connections with drones, weapon knowledge. The intention of Angelo Robotics were clear: To make O.R.B. a machine of war. During one of the training sessions, O.R.B. was linked to a series of guns that were pointed at holographic dummies. O.R.B. was to assess the situation and take down any form of aggression. The training was cut short due to one small comment from the small sentient ball: [i]"Don't want to hurt them. Must I?"[/i] It was clear to Doctor Rory Smith that Angelo Robotics was never going to use O.R.B. to better humanity, and refused to let his creation be a force of destruction. But he couldn't get it over his heart to destroy O.R.B., so he decided to set it free. In the middle of the night, he broke into the lab, stole O.R.B. and deleted everything. 15 years of research gone. His lifework destroyed by himself... No, not his lifework. His work would live on in O.R.B.. He would flee to another country with him and train him himself. Teach him to save humanity from certain extinction. Unfortunately his plans were cut short... Killed in his house in Calgary, shot in the back by hired guns from Angelo Robotics. But the Doctor had been smart. He had been anticipating this day and had send O.R.B. away... on his own, out into the world. [/hider]