Let me just take this moment to say I love you guys. [@Joshua Tamashii] [i]*snicker*[/i] I see your strategy here. I am amused. Let me see what I figure would happen. Nicely posted. [@Rune_Alchemist] You're certainly interrupting something. Heh. Nicely posted. [@Pirouette] Alright, another ball thrown, nicely posted. Now, let's see. ... And there, I have posted. [@Pikmin Eye] You did write that you were checking for Poison-types in the flavor, so I put a bit of a preference towards that. Then I checked the available Pokémon and decided this would be fun. I'm curious to your reaction. [@Eklispe][@Joshua Tamashii] I figure the Dodrio has some kind of system in place to avoid this exact thing happening, but that's not to say the system is unbeatable. So, how about now? Teh-heh. [@Rune_Alchemist] You're free to act at any point in there, commanding another attack or so. But, yeah, if you do, add the hider below for the events that happen. I intentionally kept Anise from acting further in case you want to make a strategy with her. [@Pirouette] [hider=telling result]And there you go. Went a little better this time. You're free to act again, heh. Also, gosh, Inkay. Why do you learn a 95 power move (Foul Play) at level 8? That's Ice Beam/Flamethrower/Thunderbolt level power! Geesh! XD[/hider]