Hi there! Oh that's no good. I assume you got settled in ok, though? Moving can be a pain in the rear...I remmeber when I moved into my first apartment, my internet didn't work, I used dishsoap in the dishwasher which almost flooded my apartment and so on and so on xD. KOTOR! Yessss. Funny you mention that. I downloaded KOTOR 2 a couple of days ago and when I have the time(HA! Time...xD), I want to go through it again. Don't know if your discs are compatible with mods, but if they are, may I suggest the restored content mod for KOTOR 2? It makes the game SO much more fun to play and fills in a lot of content that should've been there in the first place. Yeah, of course! I'll get Yerbol to say his piece in my next post, they can hug it out and then move on? I can move onto the funeral the post after this one I put up today. Glad to be back at it!