[quote=@Cerces22] Hopefully Balthy will be back soon, he's usually never gone this long, he may be sick [/quote] [quote=@SupernovaBlitz] Oh dear, I hope he gets better if he is sick. I did read on his profile bio that he apparently has hiatuses, so maybe this is what is going on? [/quote] You are both right in a way. These last few days were another hiatus. And I did get sick for a day (hungover really). It was a mixture of getting a new job, celebrating my birthday, and rehearsing for a stand up comedy performance. I'm settling in to the job smoothly, I'm done celebrating my b-day, and the comedy show went well. So I'm all set to get back on the ball here. [quote=@SupernovaBlitz] I see nobody saw my post... Am I allowed to join? I could help change this from a 1 on 1 role-play to a good multi person RP. I am very literate and have a love for Pokemon, and I have a fully fleshed out character. [/quote] Nice to meet you. I suppose a spot has opened up. So yeah, let's work on getting you into the RP. My next post will be targeted toward how we can do that.