Naomi bumped Lucas playfully and grabbed his hand. [color=E1984E]No worries luv and once we have less audience we can discuss a date[/color] she said with a lilt in her tone that ignored the storm outside. She wasn't a shy girl but the present situation was a bit more public than she had ever expected to find herself in when a boy or girl finally asked her out. She knew when she told Kiki about all this she was going to tease her a little and her mom would laugh and stay out of it. That's when it occurred to her that he likely didn't know that she had two moms; in fact she hadn't told any of the others about her family or any details like how her Bio mom was a Major in the Airforce or her mom Kiki was the CEO of a large fashion company. It was these thoughts that made her worry, it was bad enough that she practically towered over all the other girls in her class and many of the boys. Then was her name which even back home was a source of teasing then her unusual eye color which was referred to as Owlish or Wolf eyes and one of the rarest colors among humans and another reason she stood out. It was because she had drawn attention since she was old enough to notice that she had learned to deal with being shy; well that and the fact that her mom was six foot two and a commanding officer aboard a Lighting and not the least bit shy herself.