The woman that came to his side was an unexpected mercy that sent a soothing tingling sensation through his body- what he could feel of it anyway. It didn't quell all of his fears, but her tone, her touch, her scent, and even just her presence and the confidence with which she engaged him exuded a sense of ease and calm that he was able to take stock in and help reassess his situation. Memories started to come back to him, but they were still only flashes of barely consciousness, and he couldn't separate dream from reality. With the nurse's gentle hand moving to the back of his neck and a straw to his lips, the taste of cold water had never been so good. With the sudden onset of this creature's presence, her hand on him and her voice almost sounded affectionate- softening the harsh reality he was just now starting to understand. Looking up at her face, the concerned expression brought him further back from the edge he had found himself at. She was saying words, but he couldn't put any context to them. With the water down his throat though, he was now able to vocalize his questions. "I'm sorry, I'm... Where am I? I.. What... What happened to me?"