Ok, Since the scales lean in favour of the rebels now, Imma do an alternative to Gelat. [center][b][h1]Satay[/h1][/b] [img]https://safebooru.org//images/1508/d9ef0c005b4b8e509afe08a0a562e6f97e1ba176.jpg?1580510[/img] [h3][b]"I gazed unto the stars for wisdom. I found naught but darkness."[/b][/h3][/center] [sub][b]Name[/b][/sub][hr][indent] Satay [/indent] [sub][b]AGE[/b][/sub][hr][indent] ?????? -Can't even remember [/indent] [sub][b]GENDER[/b][/sub][hr][indent] Female [/indent] [sub][b]APPEARANCE[/b][/sub][hr][indent] Satay, is bizarrely enough, a lithe, almost frail-seeming woman of elegance and flair. She usually dresses in elaborate and not really suited for battle clothes(not that she even cares, being instantly able to repair her clothes with Magic Materialization), with black and red dresses emblazoned in silver jewelry. She has auburn, well kept hair and her more outstanding features are haunting lavender eyes. [/indent] [sub][b]RACE/ORIGIN[/b][/sub][hr][indent] [b]Name[/b] Earthling [/indent] [sub][b]Power Level[/b][/sub][hr][indent] 5 (suppressed). True(factoring in her magical power aswell): [i][b]135000[/b][/i] [/indent] [sub][b]PSYCHOLOGY[/b][/sub][hr][indent] It is safe to say that Satay's personality is very much like the starry sky on a clear night. On the surface, of great beauty and peace, with spotless grace. Yet underneath the beautiful sight, it is a place full of darkness, cold like the deep vacuum of space, and as cruel as the fury of the heart of stars. Whatever she had of human feelings like charity or compassion, have been dried and frozen long ago. Satay is the only thing that matters to Satay now, and she is ever greedy of new knowledge and power. However, having been a leader once ago, she prefers to stay out of the limelight and be subtle, if only because it minimizes her chances of actually being put in serious harm. And of course, she knows better than to antagonize Frieza and people stronger than her. [/indent] [sub][b]HISTORY[/b][/sub][hr][indent] A long time ago, in a distant planet Earth, where men still warred war with swords of bronze, and the scriptures of men were in their infancy, an orphaned girl escaped with naught but tattered clothes and her life from an otherwise bloody war. Wandering for days, she found the base of the Korin Tower. The girl was quickly adopted by the tribe who dwelt in there, and it was soon clear that the girl had a talent for the occult and the spiritual, as well wisdom beyond her age. Yet, for all her boons, her heart had been shattered, and she always felt that she would never feel safe again. Spurred by the fear of the world she had wounded her that much, she pursued climbing the tower that stood proud among the tribe, perhaps, and only perhaps, a place where she could find peace would be found there. Climbing was no small task, but she persevered, for she had endured many trials at a young age, enduring physical training was still better than dying in a senseless war, next to the parents she had lost ago. She became eventually one among few, and conquered the tower. She found completion. She found strenght and wisdom, as she learnt more about the nature of the world and her own power under the tutelage of the sage of the tower, but she didn't feel quite safe and at peace. It was not far enough, she wanted to go further away from the world. Detach herself from the world whom she had suffered the most. When she learnt about the existence of the Lookout, and the divine being that dwell on it. However the Sage was not keen to teach her the way to climb to the lookout. Not that she needed to, as she figured out the Power Pole, the key component that joined both places, and created a facsimile with her magic. She was kicked out for her efforts. But she persevered repeated times, and eventually was allowed an audience with the current Kami. Granted, the being lamented she was a less than ideal successor, but his time was night, and her heart seemed to be in the right place, in the end. So she took the mantle of Earth's most powerful being and guardian, becoming the next Kami. The following years turned decades, the decades turned centuries. While she did not shirk in her duties, maintaining the world's balance and offering a connection between this world and the next, a smidge of uneasiness still clung to her. While she was certain that given her position, she was as far as she could from the world's cruelty, she still felt threatened, deep in her soul. And one day, she turned her divine sight upon the stars. And she despaired, for even the Kami of earth was insignificant before the monsters. In her panic, she decided upon a successor, and passed on the mantle of Kami to him, as she used all of her might to disappear far away among the stars. What followed was an epiphany of madness and luck, as she indeed found her worst fears coming true. However, a windfall came in the form of a certain mystical alien beverage that granted her eternal youth, and thus eliminated the need of eventually meeting the mortal coil due to age. From that point on, she roamed the galaxy far and wide. Settled down at times. Became a beacon of hope even. But other times, she was a force of destruction, tearing everything in her path. And yet, ever pursuing safety, and more power in order to achieve to do so. The few humanity that was left in her eventually eroded away as memories became more confusing and apathy set in. Eventually, she was more of an automaton than an actual being. But...then, a spark of interest appeared. The wake of destruction that the so-called Galactic Emperor was causing. One of the true monsters of the cosmos. The allure of his destruction was intoxicating in Satay's mind, and she was drawn to the PTO like a moth to a flame. In her maddened mind, she figured out that Lord Frieza's monstrous strenght would probably have an effect of making her even stronger in the long run. [/indent] [sub][b]ASPECTS[/b][/sub][hr][indent] [b]Magic:[/b] Satay's first and for a time, her most distinctive talent. She is a sorceress of great power, able to perform things like creating clothes as easy as she breathes. Magic is distinctively different from Ki, and is more clumsy to wield in combat, requiring more preparation and concentration, so she tends to employ supportive abilities (such as Magic Materialization, Crystal Ball seeing, and Transformation), rather than direct approaches. Satay can also feel magic in the vicinity and get a rough idea of intensity and origin, but it doesn't reach much farther than line of sight. Crystal Ball can get around the limitation, however. [b]Eternal youth:[/b] Kinda the reason why she ended like this. Doesn't mean she is immortal though. [b]Guardian Ki Sense:[/b] Having been a Guardian of the Earth, Satay's Ki sensing ability is among the best, as well her ability to control her level flawlessly. With preparation and a mystical place like the Lookout was, Satay is able to gaze upon the lives of an entire world. However, if she concentrates that much, she will be wide open. [/indent] [sub][b]SPECIALIZATION[/b][/sub][hr][indent] [b]Flowing Mist Lotus:[/b] A really ancient martial arts style, that the Earthlings have all but forgotten about. It is similar to some stances of Kung Fu, and employs noncommitted attacks and redirection of hits. It also involves turning an opponent's attack against their own. Due to its lack of direct hard hits, Flowing Mist Lotus emphasizes long range ki attacks when powerful moves are needed. [b]Sorceress of the Time Abyss.[/b] Satay has an eclectic knowledge of obscure, arcane knowledge, and she does not hesitate to put it into practice. This also includes the ability and skills to heal and mend herself and others, if only because that increases survability, but she knows of old and ancient forbidden magics. She even knows how to bring a dead person to life for one day, but she can only bring one per month (unless using Hell Gate), and can't be more powerful than her. [b]Hell Gate:[/b] Satay's ultimate magic, Hell Gate creates a temporary opening between the living universe and the Otherworld, thus giving fallen warriors a chance to jump back into the fray. She can't control what comes out, though. It is also costly, requires Satay to be immobile, and she can't cast it more often than a month. [/indent] [sub][b]EQUIPMENT[/b][/sub][hr][indent] [b]Crystal Ball:[/b] Can see things far away. Can even see Space Channel 5 if she focuses long enough. [b]Scouter, Green:[/b] She just keeps it to hear Frieza's voice. [/indent] [sub][b]RELATIONSHIPS[/b][/sub][hr][indent] [b]Frieza | Fangirl[/b] Nuff said. [b]Glaceo| Boss[/b] Satay treats Glaceo half of the time with respect, and the other half with amusement, appearing to seek the balance between effectiveness and cheekyness, as she would rather be sidelined as a quirky trooper than becoming one of his vanguards. She still offers him her luxury tea and biscuits, however. [b]Arkos| Comrade-In-Arms?[/b] Other than being a monkeyman and a stud, Satay doesn't have an impression on the man. Well, maybe that he might have some more brain than most muscleheads. She finds his pretension to be detached and professional a bit of a stick in the mud. [b]Rutaba| Girl-Pal??[/b] One of the only other female humanoid troopers among Glaceo's crew, Satay actually takes attention on Rutaba's progress more than many others. [s]After all she would look lovely in a maid dress.[/s] [/indent] [hider=change log] 2018/03/06 - Added relations and clarified magic sensing extent. [/hider]