[@KatherinWinter] Curwen glanced over his shoulder and scowled. What the hell were they doing with that flashy stuff? He expected that sort of nonsense from a kid, but McCollough? The man was nearly as old as him. That wasn't the only good point this principle raised either. Point was, no one had been assigned the lead on this case. He raised an eyebrow as one of the guys he didn't know much about took off around the side of the building. That wasn't good. If anyone went off half-cocked and started agitating the demon then there was no telling what could happen to the kids that were still inside. Somebody was going to have to try and take charge or this could all go very bad very quickly. He turned back to try before suddenly teleported right in beside him, in full view of the assembled students, took command of the operation and then ran in all gung-ho knowing nothing about the situation. Curwen was gobsmacked. What the hell? Where had the agency found that stupid little shit and what in gods name had made them think it was a good idea to hire him? He turned back to the principle with renewed urgency. "I need to know everything you do, everything that happened up until we got here. Think hard, the smallest of details might save your students lives. It's appearance, demands it's made, who it took, and any strange incidents leading up to the abduction. I thought we had more time, but [i]apparently for some god forsaken reason we do not.[/i]" The last bit was said teeth pressed together with almost enough force to leave an imprint in steel. His face was turning red. It was clear that, as upset as the principle might be about how things were being handled it was nowhere near what Agent Curwen was experiencing right at this moment. "After that, if you know the demon is still inside, you need to evacuate proper. The wards are still intact so I think it may have gotten inside while possessing a human body, and if its out and about then the wards should keep it inside unless it grabs another. Say you found a note detailing a bomb threat on campus. You'll be lauded for your prompt action to keep the students safe and we will modify the memories of anyone who disagrees."