As he seemed to calm a bit, the beeping of the monitors seemed to slow enough that she didn't seem overly alarmed herself. Instead, he would be able to see the glint of auburn hair and a flash of pale eyes that bore no cosmetics in which to enhance them. Given the darkness of the room, and only the fluorescent lighting of the hall, it wouldn't be hard to tell that it was night time. It was his questions that seemed to soften her expression more, which earned a moment of trepidation before her voice came again. "Well, we can begin with you being in the hospital, Mister Chambers - Landstuhl Regional Medical Center, to be specific." Slowly, her sore form lowered down and sat in the chair beside his bed, a welcome reprieve for throbbing feet. "You've been through the ringer, and though I could throw a lot of medical mumbo jumbo at you, I think you'd probably prefer some bluntness while you're a little hazy." Leaning forward, she seemed to close a bit of distance in hopes to help comfort him, calm him just a bit. "Last time you were in the field, your spine took some damage, which is why you might be feeling pretty far off-kilter, and there were also a few bullets to contend with. You've got a journey ahead of you, but there's no reason to feel hopeless." Slowly, one small hand was held out in offer if he wanted to wrap his fingers around her own - but she didn't grab, merely offered. In their state of shock, many lashed out and most rejected such a notion, but it was there regardless. "I'll be through it with you, at least through the worst of the medical part of it. I can't tell you everything, but I'm sure the doctor will want to talk to you in more depth than I will."