Giving up entirely, Michael dropped his head on Prince's chest, hiding his face completely. There were times when he couldn't tell if Prince was teasing him or not, and now was one of those times. He made a small sound, trying to figure out what Prince was doing... And how he had gotten himself into such a situation again with the catman. [color=00a651]"I..I... I-I-I-I... "[/color] He stammered, his voice slightly muffled as he tried to form some sort of a sentence that made sense. Why did this happen? Why did he get so flustered, so easily? He didn't want to be like this, but he couldn't seem to help it, no matter how much he tried... it just got worse. He swallowed around a suddenly dry mouth as he tried to muster up his courage, sure that it would be a failure, like always. He just... he wanted to be able to say what he wanted to... even if he didn't know how to say it.... Why did he stutter? Why couldn't he get passed it? [color=00a651]"I... I-I-I... I d-d-d-don't -kn-kn-know... "[/color] [@Silver Fox]