[quote=@mdk] Happy Valentine's Day! [i]Did you know[/i] that Valentine's Day and the practice of exchanging love letters began in ancient Rome? St Valentine, then just Valentine I guess, a priest, defied the emperor's orders to cease all marriages, because Valentine believed in the power of LOVE. See the Emperor needed more men for his wars, and he figured he'd have better luck recruiting grunts to march off to Germania if they weren't getting squeezed at home. Valentine would take youngsters out into the woods and perform marriages in secret, or mostly-secret I suppose, because around the year 270AD he was caught. [b]He was sentenced to beheading.[/b] While in jail, awaiting his beheading, Valentine, shall we say, [i]befriended[/i] the jailer's daughter. The night before his decapitation he slipped her a last testament of his love and signed it "From your Valentine." The jailer caught wind of what was going on, and Valentine was beaten to death before his head could be taken off. NOW YOU KNOW -- and KNOWING is half the battle! Happy bludgeoning/decapitation day everyone. [/quote] Tanks for that, that was a intresting fact. [img]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSyyHP1qtHosPQutGqz98VLc6DOvDnW4xzEnvdG6Mtrs25KrfCtow[/img] It seems the Saint got abit heavier over time and cupids arrow got upgraded a little bit.