[h2]Midorikawa Nana[/h2] Nana folded her arms. "You need to do your homework," she said, rather flatly. Well, moreso then usual at the very least. She knew that Hotaru was probably pretty hungry after class, but that didn't mean that they could go out immediately. And to put it perfectly frankly, the pigtailed girl wasn't about to let Miyamoto steal her job. She was the one who was going to get Hotaru food, be it going out to eat or cooking at home. In fact, maybe a home-cooked meal was warranted to pull her roommate away from the temptation of vending machine goods! After a moment, Nana hesitated before taking Hotaru's hand. "No, thank you,"she said curtly, before turning to attempt to take her friend back to their dorm. "I'll make sure Hotaru eats plenty."