Alexanda could not help but notice how relaxed the strangers had become, shedding their formal demeanor as they proceeded to give her the explanation she had desired. She also found herself feeling more comfortable as she leaned back in her seat. Apparently, they seemed to be from some secret superhero organization, and they knew virtually everything about her double life. If these people had meant to cause her any harm they would probably have already done so. Having others to work with did not sound too bad, and besides, she had nothing to lose here as far as she knew. She raised an eyebrow as the three men merged into one. "Ah, a fellow mutant. The 'Defiance Project', huh? All this actually sounds really good, though, is there some sort of contract you'll be needing me to sign? I'd like to know of any terms involved in this." A slightly worried expression then crossed her face when the man shouted for her brother. Looks like they, or rather he, did know after all, not that she could be surprised anymore, considering how much he already knew. "Hey, there's no need to-" [color=ed1c24]"Huh? What do you want with me?"[/color] Before she could say anything else, Daniel had already responded. He was leaning out through his door frame to look into the living room. Alexanda rubbed the bridge of her nose as she considered the entire thing. Well, it would at least be fair to let him in on what was going on, though, she still did not have a clear idea of what else the suited man was intending to do. [@BrokenWashing]