[color=ed1c24]"Rodger that Maine 1, try not to get blasted to little bits and watch your back out there."[/color] Adam warned his fellow pilot like an overly protective mother telling her children not to hurt themselves on the playground before letting them loose. Adam aimed the head of his unit towards the homing missles coming his way and used the Vulcan to detonate the missiles. A volley of missiles meet a swarm of lead. Causing the sky to be covered in red fire and smoke. The red headed pilot pushed three switches at his left side, two to readjust the thrusters to change for raw speed to focusing it's output to enhance the agility of the unit and the last switch to have his unit pull out his photon rifle which was strapped to the back of the unit and shifted upwards allowing the Huskie to draw the rifle and aim it at the swarm of flying lions. As they got into range Adam took a few potshots at the enemy. It wasn't to kill, as the photon rifle was too inaccurate at this range, but he wanted to break the formation there was always one or two pilot that would panic at a volley of photon bullets rushing towards them and break formation. Sure enough one of the lion pilots broke off from the rest. Not taking this chance Adam pressed his attack using the photon rifle to lead the unit further away from the others Adam rushed forward and at the last moment drew his plasma blade. Before the enemy unit could understand what was happening Adam was on him like a pack of wolves and after cutting off both of the unit's arms, he stabbed the unit in the torso going through it and into the left thruster of the lion and then using his units leg kicked it away from him. If the pilot wasn't killed instantly gravity would do the rest of the work for him. Pressing his advantage and using the momentum Adam turned his photon rifle to the rest of the enemy air units and unleashed another volley, providing support fire for the rest of his team.