"Indeed, I do not think you will be disappointed in the news." Meesei added. "I believe that the situation shall improve for your clan, and Elsweyr as a whole." Ri'kalesh grinned and nodded. "Well, this one is looking forward to it. You have never disappointed us, Champion. None of you have." He said. Giving a glance over his shoulder, back towards the others gathered around the clearing, he looked back and motioned for the pair to follow him. Near the council's table, several of the others were gathered. Namely, Ciinriel and La'khay looked to already be catching up with Janius and Kaleeth. Although, they were hardly halfway over when La'khay took notice and came rushing at them with her arms outstretched. "Ah, there you are! Meesei, Sabine! It has been far, far too long since La'khay has had the pleasure of seeing you both. And you are just as beautiful as ever." She said enthusiastically. It seemed clear that little had changed about La'khay in their time apart, except now she evidently had more time to devote to her appearance. The only actual clothing she was wearing was an elaborately embroidered loincloth, woven with vine-like patterns reminiscent of Kaleeth's tattoos. Speaking of which, she now had a few tattoos of her own, or perhaps just dyed fur. Once again, it was a nature-inspired pattern of leaves connected by flowing lines on her chest, arms, and a small part of her stomach. She had piercings and jewelry seemingly anywhere she could put them, and wore thin violet ribbons draped around her neck and loosely over her arms. Very little of it was practical, particularly the piercings, but it unquestionably made her stand out in a crowd.