[Center][h2]Heartless-Trainyard[/h2] [@Old Amsterdam][@ProPro][/center] "Pathetic child!" Oh god fucking damnit. Heartless didn't even bother turning to see who was yelling in his direction, taking the opportunity to keep moving as far as possible before something bad happened. Then something bad happened less than a second later. "You waste your time with compassion. Should've just kept running, and maybe I'd have forgotten about you." At that Heartless couldn't help himself and he actually did turn himself around. [color=gray]"Alright for one, that's a goddamn lie and you know it."[/color] The clone began to pull Heartless towards herself just like she did earlier, he could feel himself get ripped out of his shadow form as he fought to stay anchored in place, he was losing that fight though. [color=gray]"And for two..."[/color] Heartless threw the knife in his hand at her chest, fully expecting her to dodge as he reached into his jacket. [color=gray]"FUCK YOU!"[/color] A gunshot echoed through the warehouse followed by the clattering of a gun onto the concrete as Heartless fought his natural instinct to grab his wrist which was very much in pain. Probably a sprain, never fire a gun with one hand. He aimed for the chest, so he had a room for error at the very least, but he needed to get the fuck out of there before some other asshat decided to go for him and the kid. [color=gray]"Kid, if you don't put this shit into your stupid report I swear to god... Just remember that Heartless saved your ass from dying a pathetic death in a warehouse full of fucking flesh puddles on my fucking boot."[/color] Heartless seethed as accidentally stepped into a gross puddle of what appeared to be flesh. Absolutely disgusting.