The ground rumbled as Haksir dashed through the sprawling camp that surrounded the great arena. He left deep footprints in the ground making his passage impossible to miss. Well, the clattering of steel, hissing steam, and drifting cloud of greenish-black smoke probably didn't make him any harder to follow if someone really wanted to. In his experience though, few people wanted to chase after something nearly seven feet tall, made of metal, and looking like a nightmare given form. He was fine with that. The clatter also made people very quick to get out of his way as he made his inexorable charge to the arena. He was very, very late and his team would suffer if he was not there. Not only that, but, if he missed his chance to show just how far the experiments and progress at Salhadrik had come he would be cursing himself for the rest of his very poor life. Bounding through hallways, around people, and through rooms, with a quick stop by the entrance to give his official signature to the monks, took Haksir to where he needed to go. He was impressed by that actually. He had only gotten lost once and had to ask a terrified young man where he was. Normally he was constantly lost. Even when he was at home in the halls of Salhadrik Sanitarium he sometimes got turned around in the labyrinthine architecture. Everything was going well aside from him being this late. He heard the announcement of 'one minute' just as he dashed into the room and engaged his armor's cleats. The metal spikes deployed and all nearly eight hundred pounds of man, metal, and gear came screeching to a halt in the room with the other five team members. The armor creaked and hiss, belching steam and foul smell smoke from both the stack on it's back and from the joints. "Salutations!" The hulking golem shouted to the gathered fellows in a metallic rasp filled with honest mirth, "I do gravely apologize for my tardiness, allow me to remedy that." a small snort of laughter echoed from the golem as it unslung the large bag from it's back and reached in retrieving a number of glass bottles and tossing one of them to each person. "Something to keep the constitution clattering away at full tilt, eh?" the golem then straightened and left the bag sitting on the ground. Haksir wasn't sure if he would need any of the other gear or potions he had prepared for this moment, but, best not to bring in something that might get damaged easily. "I'd give more but I fear I'm not appraised of your particular specialties and thus I fear some might be wasted." the golem raised a large metal finger, "Never fear though, I shall have grand tonics prepared for all of us once we have a proper composition established," [color=green][b]> All Party Members gain one Potion of Cure Lesser Wounds at CL 5 [/b][/color] He slid the bag to the side with his foot and an excited chuckled cackled rattled forth from the golem's motionless face plate, "Let's give them all a good bit of hands on instruction in the delicate art of applied violence, eh?" The golem raised it's massive hands together and "cracked" the metallic knuckles, the only sound issuing was the scraping of metal on metal. Soon the world would get the first taste of this marvelous machine. Soon he would be rolling in funding from all over the world and every noble from hither to thither would want a suit of Living Combat Armor for their honor guard. In back of his mind he could hear the rumble and scratch of other begging him to protect these people. She keened for their safety and gnashed her teeth. She'd just met them and already she was trying to make them her pups. Blasted woman, too quick to form attachments and throw their body into the path of as many slings and arrows as she could. [hider=The REAL Fullmetal Alchemist] Dr. Haksir Azleoth / X-LA 001 HP: 98/98 HP: 86/86 AC: 18 AC: 23 touch 13, flat-footed 19 Ini: +2 Ini: +4 Bombs: 18/18 (6D6 Fire Dmg - Splash 5ft radius, 11 Fire Dmg) Mutate: 2/2 +1 Mutagen Mutagen: NOT ACTIVE Armor: In X-LA 001 Extracts: (All Infused Unless otherwise Noted) LV1: Enlarge Person X2 True Strike X2 Cure Lesser Wounds X1 Jump X1 LV2: Vomit Swarm X1 Cure Mod Wounds X2 Invisibility X1 Levitate X1 LV3: Haste X3 Protection from Energy X1 (Not Infused) Cure Serious Wounds X1 LV 4: Universal Formulae X2 Detonate X1 (Not Infused) [/hider]