[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/7W79Czh.png[/img][/center] [center][i]New York, New York; Manhattan Area; In the Air in Meteora's Arms[/i] [/center] [hr] The flying man in some kind of armor, who has arrived in battle to blind a wyvern, had come up to herself and the blue-haired mage named "Meteora" to seemingly extend some kind of greetings as he floated there. Though the young empress held to Meteora with her free arm still since they were still up in the air, the blue-haired mage still perhaps able to feel the shakiness in Sanaki's arm that was wrapped around her for dear life. Even so, the purple-haired mage composedly closed Cymbeline and stuffed it back up with her other tomes, before looking at the man in armor once more. It had been timely to get help in the fight at this last second, though these new arrivals like the others were still strangers to her. Only this blue-haired mage had gained some trust from her, even if a little, since she had arrived in this strange world of strange beorc. His tone, even through some sort of medium from the sounds of it, came with a sense of familiarity for Sanaki. Not that she knew this strange beorc at all, but that the sort of aristocratic-style confidence and wanton blitzing about as he pleased was reminiscent of the Senate. The [b]Old[/b] Begnion Senate, whom had stabbed her in the back and fought to destroy the world as the meager slaves of a mistaken goddess. She could tell what kind of man this was based on what little she was hearing from him and had seen of his action, as she had dealt with the rich and wealthy types before in her world so much it had become habit to be able to pick up on things like this about people as someone in her position of power. However, she was not to be one without manners in all of this as well, and it would give Ms. Meteora here the chance to hear her name as well. [color=violet]"...My name is Sanaki Kirsch Altina, Empress of the Begnion Empire,"[/color] Sanaki said, formal as she could ever be as she reached out her free hand and lightly shook the hand of the armored man, before addressing him in her usual regal manner, not flinching or faltering even for a moment despite her apparent physical age, [color=violet]"It seems more than a few of us were pulled into this strange world, as it were. Hopefully the beorc officials here will be willing to peacefully talk with us, though, after we saved this city from these abnormal wyverns."[/color] But with her tome obliterating most of one of the wyverns in a great inferno, that had even left whatever paved this road seemingly melted below where the wyvern had once been, it was no surprise that likely the beorc officials in this city had sent some sort of forces to come here. Not well-armored ones at all, really, and whose weapons paled against the likes of even a couple of wyverns. It seemed painfully obvious this world was not used to such thing, or was even familiar with them at all. Out of the corner of her eye from this position in the air, Sanaki could also see the surviving beorc among those who had tried to fight the wyverns looking on with awe and agape in shock. This only further made her assumptions clearer then daylight in an open sky, but at the same time left a possible negative able to come to light as well. These people had just apparently seen magic and other strange abilities in their world for the first time, perhaps, and those in charge of the law were reacting to it. She didn't desire another battle of some kind to occur, and hopefully peaceful resolution would be the first idea for herself and the others who had saved them, but considering the situation she wouldn't blame these beorc if they did react violently to the lot of them here as well. [color=violet]"You, the beorc all standing over there!"[/color] Sanaki called aloud to a few of the agape policemen/policewomen staring at the scene, looking over to them and her voice booming in regal tone in order for them to hear her clearly from afar, [color=violet]"We mean you all no harm. The beasts have been slain, and it is safe to approach."[/color] She wasn't sure if any of the other strangers to this world also heard her, but if they did hopefully they might get the idea of not starting another fight. Not that Sanaki knew any of them well at all, for that matter. Hopefully attempting to extend a peaceful hand into this matter would help, though, with her taking a lead of sorts. As long as none of the others decided to attack and resist a peaceful process, on either this side or the side of these beorc for that matter. It was all odd here to her, alien, and conflict when none was needed might only exacerbate everyone's situations here. If Ms. Meteora was correct in her words, worlds had collided here, in a manner of speaking. It was an odd matter to ponder, though, but she had to work with what little information she had, from the only individual here she had gained a bit of trust with and for based on her characters and actions. [@TheUnknowable][@PKMNB0Y][@VitaVitaAR][@TheFake][@Raineh Daze]