[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjg4LjlkMDlmYi5TMmx0WW1WeS4wAAAA/vtks-revolt.regular.png[/img][/center] [center][h2]Ft.[/h2][/center] [center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjYwLjdlZWU3Mi5RVUpKUjBGSlRDQktTVTVIVDFOVVQwNCwuMQAAAAAA/nervous.regular.png[/img][/center] [center][h2]And a Stripper Disguised as an Assassin - Asterisk[/h2][/center] At least there was cooperation. Something in a kid’s show would emphasize how cooperation was good or something. Getting up from the seat of the bar he inhaled and slowly exhaled. There went his money, on two vodka cranberries. Teammates, huh. He was use to these kind of setups in the Grand Church, usually a senior priest with a junior one, teaching them the ropes. Or big clients that needed more manpower. “Someone going to have to sit in the back,” he said, “Sorry. It’s a sport car. But there it is, my Purple Chariot.” He gives a dramatic hand reveal to his purple sports car, that has been parked crooked in the gutter of the bar. “She volunteers to sit in the back.” Asterisk said it with a wave at the other member of their team. Her mind was more occupied with how aggressively purple the car was. She'd say it looked like it had been driven through a berry patch, but she still wanted to get laid tonight. “Do you have a thing about valets?” The purple was a fine color to Abigail. It wasn’t too obnoxiously purple, and it was a good shade. Of course, Abigail’s fondness of the color was likely due to her just liking purple in general. She was a bit miffed that Asterisk volunteered her to sit in the back, but that’s where she wanted to sit anyway. Eh, she’d be okay with it. “It’s not that bad. Kind of nice.” Kimber looked at Asterisk and forced himself a laugh, “No. Not really. Purple is the color of my family crest. Plus, its a royal color.” He smiles at Abigail, “She’s got the right idea. Plus there’s a black patch.” He moves away from them to eagerly rush to the driver’s side of the car. “A gentleman would open the door for his lady guests,” Asterisk pointed out. Not that she couldn't open the door. It was the principle of the thing. Abigail calmly opened the door and climbed into the backseat after folding the chair forward. “You're undermining my entire point here, you know!” Asterisk stuck her tongue out at Abigail. Abigail reached for the door and closed it back, putting herself alone in the car. “There.” With a huff, Asterisk let herself in. As she sat, she replied, “No, now you've ruined the whole thing. Onward, Handsome. I'll give you directions.” The footwell wasn't as roomy as Asterisk would have liked, and she had to rearrange her legs a few times before she was comfortable. Kimber put out his cigarette in his ashtray. At least the situation was resolved before his quick tongue got him in trouble. He would have told her she had two choices to stay on the corner where it seemed more fitting for her or get into the car. Abigail at least showed him off this cool rose flower thing. She’s been mounting and kissing him all night, like he paid to be at a strip club. True it would have been a better locale, but that’s not really the point. Turning the ignition on it was the first time in a long time the Chariot purred instead of giving him trouble. That’s his sweetness. Kissing the steering wheel real quick, thank you for working,0 you beautiful thing. He put up his hands. “There are two rules,” he said mildly, “The radio is my domain. And we’re going to go lightspeed. Got it. Hope your stomachs can handle it.” [center][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xi3HqeyniPg[/youtube][/center] “I reserve the right to sue you if you crash the car and kill us all.” Asterisk remarked. “Left onto the highway, then third exit.” “I mean… I can’t do shit, so…” Abigail held onto the side of the seat. The driver was reckless, and the passenger wasn’t really helping the situation by basically harassing the driver. Hopefully they wouldn’t die. “Luckily I have not crashed and you’re lucky I only had two drinks,” Kimber tells her, “Normally I am driving with a lot more than that under my belt.” He kind of gives a childish laugh, before taking the car out of park. The Chariot lurched forward and shot fast out of the gutter. A small scream of surprise marked the first time Asterisk had lost control all evening. “Jesus fuck!” Abigail muttered under her breath as she felt the car jet. It was crazy and scary… but it was something… kind of fun. It was a good adrenaline rush. Asterisk put her hand on her chest to slow her beating heart, though the grin on her face belied her surprise. “I've been in planes that haven't accelerated that fast. Remind me to give you a key to the test track.” Kimber laughed. “You haven’t seen anything yet,” he accelerates to the point of riding someone’s ass, before looking to his side as he does a merge without pause. As he accelerates down the highway ramp at 60 and cuts in front of another driver. The car aggressively challenges anyone in front of it. A roaring engine, as he goes in between traffic. “Next left!” Asterisk blurted out. Climbing, the speedometer is climbing in the passing lane, from 60 to 80, as he cuts in front of another car, another merge without pausing as it reaches 85 up to the next left ramp. Soaring, He takes the turn tightly. “Second right, then stop by the blue light building!” He never lets on the brake, instead he coast the car to a tight right, the car slides in a perfect angle, nearly sideswiping someone else in another lane before it completely straightens out. It races up the road and comes to a decelerating stop, before a harsh brake. Stopping rather crooked in front of the building with a blue-lit facade. Asterisk cracks the door open as soon as they stop, spilling out onto the tarmac and taking a deep breath. “You don't assassinate people with car-fu, do you?” “I mean there was this one time the Priest of the Grand Church was dealing with this client, and the guy talked a lot. Didn’t feel like getting out of the car by the time I came for backup, so I just rammed into him,” Kimber paused, “The car repair was astronomical. And my mother wasn’t too fucking happy about how much it cost. So short story, no. I learned my lesson.” “Reeves!” Asterisk called for the valet. He helped her up, then went around to the driver's side for the keys. “Penthouse time, kids!” Asterisk remarked “Ah nah, Reeves is it, no one touches my car,” Kimber said, “Tell me where to park it and that’s what I do.” Abigail climbed out of the car and began to take off her armor, placing each piece carefully into her bag. The dress underneath remained on, but the armor was significantly uncomfortable during that car ride. It dug into her skin and such. “You… you can really fuckin’ drive…” Kimber smiles at her widely. “Yeah I can,” he said, “Hope you had a good time. I always have a good time.” “Why the hell are you not a getaway driver?” Abigail asked. “Oh sometimes I can be,” Kimber said, “But you haven’t seen me with a gun yet. Or the other secrets I hold.” he laughs, “No those aren’t strange euphemisms either.” “To be fair, everyone’s like that,” Kimber shrugs. “But not everyone has my history,” he tells her, “I look forward to working with the Maiden of Bones.” “Same to you, mister Magnum.” Abigail smirked. “... where the fuck is the other one?” “She found a suitable corner,” Kimber replied quickly and laughed. Asterisk waved to them from inside the building. She looked slightly shorter, less curvy. “Oi, lazybones, stop flirting and get in. We’re taking the boss elevator.” She pointed them to the express elevators at the left side of the foyer. “Second one from the entrance, press the top button. I have some business to check out before I join you.”