[@Lunarlors34][@Caits][@t2wave] [color=00746b][b]NOLAN[/b][/color] and [color=662d91][b]DALTON[/b][/color] Did anyone here that? That was the sound of Nolan finally snapping and all it took was just the minor insult, edgy kid, to finally set him off. [color=00746b]"I'm done. Fuck this, nope, I'm done! Eat shit and die, fuck boy. I'm outta here."[/color] He threw his hands up in the air and walked away while bumping shoulders with Sora, completely deaf to Ethel trying to tell him that Ariel was okay. It was not even noon and he had it up to here with everything! The entire fucking world could burn for all he cared! Dalton watched as his partner stormed off and gave a death glare to some of the nameless faces that belonged to the guild, causing some of them to reel back in fear. The exceed turned to Master Jamie and back to the door that Nolan kicked up and yelled, [color=662d91]"Wait for me!"[/color] before flying off after Nolan. It was an awkward situation and he gladly would use any chance to get out. He also had to make sure Nolan was not going to kill someone. [b][color=ed1c24]ENMA[/color][/b] and [color=92278f][b]ZEV[/b][/color] Meanwhile, Enma and Zev had wandered into the guild hall and were now wondering what the hell was going on. They were sent from their respective guilds to partake in the island exhibition, but things seemed...chaotic.