While everyone else seemed to be running, the obviously smart thing to do, it took several seconds for Luke to begin his own escape - in fact, it wasn't until the smaller white rabbit called out for everyone to begin running that Luke finally snapped out of it and began his run. Normally, Luke would have no doubts that he could have escaped - he had been running for years by now, and he was very physically fit. Today wasn't one of those days - not only did he feel horrible from vomiting earlier, his legs felt like sacks of bricks. To be quite honest, Luke really didn't even feel like running away - while the guy was even more muscular than Luke, muscles meant little when their were such a large number of people. If everyone ganged up on the man, then he'd be easy to defeat - that didn't matter though. After all, this was all a dream - of course things wouldn't go his way. Thinks never went Luke LaMotta's way in his dreams. The only reason he was running in the first place was because he was truthfully scared. This was clearly a dream, but he's been creeped out from the news for awhile now - P3 syndrome made dreams feel much more menacing. Who knows - maybe it's like in movies, and when you die in the dream, you die in real life. Even being late to start running and holding himself back to not sprain anything, Luke quickly caught up with the rest of the runners - fear and adrenaline is a great motivator. He continued to run, and by the time he had tied himself with the last person in the group, he called out. [color=a36209]"Be sure to have rhythmic breathing - Don't run out of breath early!"[/color] White rabbit mentioned something about glass, but Luke completely ignored him - he was busy keeping his breathing in time with his steps.