[@BlueSky44] [Center][img]http://images6.fanpop.com/image/photos/39900000/Kara-Danvers-supergirl-2015-tv-series-39924397-245-400.gif[/img] [h1][color=wheat]Cynthia[/color][/h1] Interacting With: Jason (Over the phone) || Location: The Law Firm[/center] Cynthia jumped as a tap bounced off of her arm, alerting her to someone's presence. Casually, she spun, ignoring the fact that her nerves had just been fried. She was completely on edge, both from the murder and the more recent event of two specters appearing in her office. It was an unusual day, and she prayed it didn't get any worse. Unfortunately she soon realized it could get worse, because the person who had poked her was Keith, the office flirt. He was moderately attractive, with a blue-grey gaze and naturally bright blonde hair. If she had met him outside of work, she would have been tempted to chat with him, if only to dream of companionship for a while. Luckily, she had become aware of his charismatic ways through water cooler conversations and the gossip of women who had been wronged by him. She brushed her shoulder, swiping away his residue. "A bit jumpy today, Cynthia?" Keith jested, a charming grin gracing his face. Cynthia smiled politely in return, knowing that though he smiled often, it never quite reached his eyes. His gesture was practiced, likely honed since high school to turn girls into puddles. [color=wheat]"I'm afraid so, it must be all the caffeine. I've been busy as ever. So busy, in fact, that I have no time for coffee with coworkers,"[/color] She paused, her smile turning apologetic. [color=wheat]"Big case."[/color] Keith opened his mouth to speak, but a saving grace in the form of Gerald ran up to them, Cynthia's ringing phone in hand. "Cynthia, your phone is ringing. It's an unknown number but-" Cynthia quickly cut in, thanking him and grabbing the phone out of his hand. She accepted the call, turning her back to Keith and strutting away a few steps for privacy. Eagerly, she waited for the voice she had been expecting, and breathed a sigh of relief upon hearing it. [color=wheat]"Yes it is, good to hear from you so soon. I'm a bit swamped right now, but I can take an early break...or, if you're free I get off at five o'clock today."[/color]