Very short, but why not? [hider=An Unpleasant Surprise (3 Years ago)] Sirius had never seen a reason ring the greeting-bell outside of Datura's room. The older girl always locked herself in the attached bathroom to do anything requiring privacy, leaving her actual sleeping area as more of a lounge save for the bed. A bed which seemed to hold...two...figures currently. Letting the privacy-curtain separating the room from the hall fall back into place as she stepped forward, Sirius calmly appraised the situation once more to be sure. Her gaze fell first on a lock of dark hair spread onto the left pillow, sliding eventually to a half-covered foot much too far to the right to belong to the same body. There was no doubt about it: either her girl had been pushed from her dwelling to make room for this set of mystery lovers to have a secret affair, or she was part of the couple wrapped from head to toe in lavender silk sheets. Both possibilities were a mixture of amusing and worrying. Ruling the owner of the dark hair out as possibly being the silver-headed teen, she gently poked the foot instead. Well, as gentle as poking can be. "Datura, I swear this better not be you." The ridiculousness of the words caught up to her as she said them, and what was meant to be reprimanding came out as a clear struggle to hold back giggles. Damn. She really was trying to be more authoritative than usual. Her father was starting to notice that Datura didn't really listen and had a tendency to get away with throwing insults at her right and left. Really, she was just thankful that he hadn't heard the nickname "Missy" yet. One of his other children's mothers had taken to calling her toddler a "daddy's girl" briefly, and Sirius had been present for the now-infamous blowup on the topic of "disrespectful nicknames" that resulted - as well as what a second conduct strike earns you. Frustration with the situation suddenly mounting upon receiving no response from the poke, the coyote faunus did something uncharacteristically rash: she firmly gripped the sheet in both hands and pulled. Hard. Before she could catch even a glimpse of the scene underneath, however, there was a telltale [i]woosh[/i] from just a few feet in front of her. She ducked. Something smashed like thick glass against the wall behind her. "[i]Jou teef[/i]! My aura wasn't even up, Soot! You could've-" She broke off as something clicked into place. No. No way. Somehow, she stood back up. She summoned the courage to open her eyes after what felt like seconds and an eternity all at once, and there they were: the man who was basically her older brother, if brothers typically raised their siblings through infancy, and the abducted Beacon student who would probably take her life if given the chance. Presently, Datura was "hiding" behind Soot, only a messy heap of silver waves and violet eyes which seemed to crackle with angry embarrassment peeking over his shoulder. Having no such human coverage himself, Soot had hastily wreathed himself from hip to thigh in sparkling black spikes of crystal, effectively pinning himself in a crossed-leg seating position on the bed. Both were trapped - and a vivid crimson in the face. As both seemed completely lost for words, Sirius frantically looked for anything in the room that might lead to diffusing the situation through distraction. Almost as though guided by the sick hand of fate itself, her attention was caught by a calendar. On the wall, the digital frame proudly displayed its typical messages in atypical pinks and reds. "Oh-" she smiled weakly, "happy Valentine's Day, you two." [/hider]