[color=fff79a]"Yeah... that was me, but that second part is odd, because that's [i]exactly[/i] what I thought about [i]you[/i] when I heard you skipped town and expected to still remain top dog in a city you aren't even present in. Now [i]that[/i] my friend, is a bit bold of you. Che palle, Mamushi! Che palle! Frankly I was a bit insulted. I heard the whole incident was a bit embarrassin' too, one guy walks in and makes you bend the knee huh? How do you think that makes me feel? Certainly ain't scared."[/color] The voice paused for another brief chuckle. [color=fff79a]"I suppose I should introduce myself though. You're probably more familiar with my cousin Vincenzo, leader of the New York branch of the Giarciano gang, second biggest gang in town. But the truth is that ole' Vin just hasn't been tough enough with ya Mamushi. That's why I'm here now, Gianni Giarciano, The Don, [i]capo dei capi[/i]."[/color] Gianni paused for a couple moments before continuing. [color=fff79a]"Giarciano gang been number two for too long, but that's soon to change. Let me tell you how this is gonna go amore mio, you're gonna tell your [i]stand in[/i] back there to pack all your shit up, and take a fuckin' hike. 'Cause you're all done in this city Mamushi. Boom, it's over. Your territory, mine. Your operations, mine. See where this is going yet? Hell, if any of your boys want a job I'm fuckin' hirin' here. Otherwise you all can fuck off with your tail tucked and find a new shit-hole to run. Got it?"[/color] Gianni suddenly added on before Raiya could get a response in. [color=fff79a]"Because let me tell you what's going to happen if you don't. What went down at the pier is just gonna be a little appetizer for what's to come. Me and my boys are gonna run a train on you junkies. Crux gang ain't got the muscle any more, especially when I have all my homeland assets in town with me as well. You're outnumbered, you aren't even here to lead your own gang, I'll squash every last one of you tattooed greaser rats until there ain't one left. And I even hope you show up yourself so I can cave your skull in myself with my bare hands like I did your buddies at the pier. You aren't the first magi I've tangled with."[/color] [color=fff79a]"I'll give you until midnight, tomorrow, to give me an answer. Otherwise there's gonna be bodies in the street."[/color] Gianni finished after a short pause and then hung up.