[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjI4Ljk0NGRmNS5VMnQ1WlNCQmMyaDBiMjRnUld4elpXNCwuMAAA/raven-scream.regular.png[/img][/center] [center][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p-Oy1V_2nA8[/youtube][/center] Age: 25 Gender: Male Occupation: NA [hider= An Odd Little Bird][center][img]https://image.ibb.co/fvjT1w/Skye2.jpg[/img][/center][/hider] Staring outside to the January snow it seemed as white out there as it did in here. You would assume it's as cold in here as it is out there as there is no refuge from winter in here. Though there is frail raven lurking in these white walls. Dressed in all black, a black t-shirt, and black sweatpants usually. Concealed in black, black hair, and black slippers as if he were a crow in this facility. In the walls of Lakeview Mental Care Facility a thin young man sat on a chair looking out the window, interacting with little to no one. Though he was muttering to himself something invisible, perhaps the spirits of winter? He as thin that even though you believe his t-shirt was small, it was baggy on him, his sweatpants didn’t fit either. His neck was narrow and thin. He almost had the appearance of a doll, still and posed on a chair. His collarbone visible, his hair though black and straightened. His wrist were tiny. There was a cut on his lip. His skin anemic and pale, his irises brown. [color=B5A6C0][center]“Elsen,”[/center][/color] No response. He didn’t react at first. Nearly catatonic. You placed a hand on his shoulder and he flinched. Looking at you with a dazed, far off look. At first he didn’t seem like he recognized you, well of course he didn’t. Though he had this far off look, like he was staring off into the distance. Towards a world others could not see. [center][color=B5A6C0]“A strange touch,” Skye mumbles to himself, his lower lip quivers in a bit of anxiety.[/color][/center] The Remity Therapy should have taken away his memories of a tragic past. Yet, his body reacted and flinched in a way that almost said that his instincts didn’t forget. [color=B5A6C0][center]“I am your new therapist,” “Word magicians,”[/center][/color] The way he speaks reminds you of wind. It lowers and highers. At times. Sometimes it's inaudible, other times audible. Whispering, mumble, and muttering. Low and quiet, it sounds smooth like the chill of the winter outside. Personality: Diagnosed with Schizotypal Personality Disorder it is hard to tell where Skye is or who he is. On the surface he appears dissociative from reality. Muttering to himself and conveying things in odd speech that maybe he only understands. His personality seems completely muddled in the condition of the state of mind his dementia causes him, but that would be unfair to Skye to not mention who he is outside of defining him from the diagnosis. With that said Skye is still an odd bird. While his condition comes with paranoid thinking, the inability to express emotions, the inability to socialize well, sometimes occupied with extreme social anxiety. Even if you took all that away Skye would still probably be an odd little bird. He can spend hours staring out the window, finding amusement or entertainment out of the changing of the seasons. All though there is a strict dangerous material code in Lakeview Mental Care Facility, Skye is fascinated by glass making and all the colors glass makes. He’s not allowed to keep glass with him, for fear of harming himself more than anything else, but the therapist [word magicians] started collecting the glass in a display for him since it seems to sooth him in some ways looking at it. He likes to bird watch, thus the nickname of an odd bird. Perhaps that’s what he’s looking out all the time at the windows? He can name different birds based on their cries and mimics them as well. Skye says sometimes he believes he knows what they are saying. But people just roll their eyes at Skye when he does so. Anything that seems personal Skye emulates well. It’s clear his therapy has allowed him to be able to express sympathy or empathy, even if he may feel it dully. Despite it Skye doesn’t mind people, he just doesn’t like touch, which he will flinch from. There’s a lot of Skye that seems meek and shy, but he will engage with others if they can snap him out of his trances. What Skye is most afraid of feelings of claustrophobia. Not claustrophobic spaces, but feelings of claustrophobia. Stimuli around him crowd him in. People’s voices are muffled with the sometimes maybe voices he hears in his mind like murmurs in the depths of a body of water. He expresses his depression as a feeling of drowning and that’s an isolating, claustrophobic feeling as well. He has aversions to sexual and intimate touches. It sends him into panic that he cannot quite control. Skye’s not really violent. In fact most of the time, it's him trying to get away from the uncomfortable, rather than him starting conflict. Major Skills: Dissociative Detail - Skye sees the world in an unusual way. His dissociative reality gives him the ability to identify details other people have missed. He sees the world in such an unusual way that he is allowed to see into things other people might otherwise miss. Wandering - Skye is pretty small and is easy to miss, despite his oddities they aren’t really anything that would point him out right away. So Skye has the ability to wander without being noticed, while some would argue this is called sneaking. Sneaking sort of requires the individual to intentionally be sneaking around. Skye merely wanders and people lose sight of him when he does so. Bird Identification - Skye has always liked birds. He can mimic their cries and can classify most of them just upon looking at their markings. While identifying birds may seem like an unusual skill, Skye can at least tell you, your geographic location based on the birds he sees. Because birds all have different homes. Minor Skills: Glass Blowing - At first they were adverse to Skye taking the Glass Blowing classes. He’s the type of person to be convinced he cannot feel pain and place his hand on a hot stove not noticing he was in fact burned. But Skye became proficient at a skill taught in the care facility’s craft class. Noting the improvement it had on him, they continue to allow Skye to work in the workshop as long as another individual was watching him. Not that Skye really minds, he’s so easy and laid back at times like that. Sewing - Skye isn’t the best and again the care facility doesn’t let him use glass equipment or needles unless he is closely supervised. But something in the interwoven, forgotten, remembered, and forgotten again memories Skye retains some capability of sewing things with his mother being his close mentor. Pianist - Skye plays the piano with the proficiency of an intermediate pianist. Actually to be truthful this might be some muscle memory of a past skill he's gotten a little rusty doing. His theme song is a representation of how he may play. While he can fake professional, a true professional could see his lack of skill. Your Lie: Skye grew up in a happy loving family. He had perfect parents that never did anything wrong to him. They loved him so much and were very proud of him because he always got good grades. They would always go on family vacations. And they would always play board games late at night. He was never spanked or hit. He was never yelled at. Then one day he got sick. He started losing time. He started losing his grip on reality. His parents were very sad and ended up crying when he had to be taken in the back of an ambulance van to Lakeview Mental Facility. They were very sad that he tried to hurt himself. And that he was very sick. There was nothing wrong with his childhood or the way he grew up and yet he ended up sick in the mind. Your Truth: You lie. Misc: I'm the GM I better be accepting the terms I made.