[@Storybookandco] [@Eviledd1984] [@SpawnMeme] [@Gentlemanvaultboy] [@Malygris] [@Typhon] [@Bluetommy] They would find the wards around the school solid at least at first. It appeared that the demon hadn't broken them to get in which meant that the demon had come in one of three ways. One it had either ridden in on a human host. Two it had been summoned with in the school. Or three its nature didn't affect the wards. Unfortunately before anyone could determine which of the three had happened Agent Archie walked right through the wards. Unfortunately Archie aura was dark enough to set off the wards. Alarms screeched causing the students that hadn't made it to the auditorium to run screaming. The school starting shaking. Whatever demon had been in the school had been contained by the wards that were supposed to keep the students safe. Unfortunately for the agents that was no longer the case. Archie had weakened the wards enough that the demon slipped out. There wasn't a single trace of it. Now it was free in the world and the agents had no clue what it's agenda was or what kind of demon it was. Not only that but sirens indicated that human authorities were on their way which meant they wouldn't be getting information from anyone any time soon. Chose would descend on the school within minutes.